Newport Ladies Aid Society

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 18 November 1862, page 3

This society had been organized one year on the 22d of October, the anniversary of which was celebrated by an entertainment given for the purpose of raising funds. During the year the following articles have been made up and sent to the Sanitary Commission, the Covington and Garrison hospitals and to Kentucky regiments:

356 cotton and flannel shirts, 176 pairs of drawers, 61 pairs of yarn stockings, 16 pairs of mittens, 153 sheets, 369 pillow cases, 231 towels, 11 napkins, 6 bed ticks, 30 pillows, 16 bed comforts, 110 Havelocks, 143 bandages, 4 dozen fine combs, 1 dozen coarse combs, 113 handkerchiefs, 66 slings, 32 pads, 11 pairs of slippers, 7 boxes of lint, 1 dressing gown, 12 night caps: also numerous articles of hospital died, such as canned fruit, jelly, etc. Of the material made up the Sanitary Commission has furnished 21 pieces of muslin, also $10 in cash.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 15 December 1863, page 3


The following ladies have been appointed to represent the city of Newport at the Great Western Sanitary Fair:

President-Mrs. Holmes
Treasurer-Mrs. Frank Clark
Secretary-Mrs. A L Ryder
Delegate-Mrs. D Shaler

Managers-Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Col Thompson, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Donohown, Mrs. John Williamson, Mrs. J A Ladd, Mrs. Cassaway, Mrs. Lape, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Radcliffe, Mrs. Daily, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Schatzmann, Mrs. Willis Ladd, Mrs. Samuel Morledge, Mrs. Minneir, Mrs. Hawthorn, Mrs. Shrugg, Mrs. Wm B Smith, Mrs. McIntire, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Wm Coffin, Mrs. Ira Root, Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. Gen Morgan L Smith, Mrs. Wm H Goyle.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 6 December 1876, page 7


THE festival of the Ladies' Aid Society takes place tomorrow night. The citizens are donating liberally and the prospects are good that a large amount of money will be realized.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 26 January 1877, page 7

THE Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. James Kenniston, No 58 Monmouth street, Newport, next Saturday afternoon, to make the final arrangements for the grand promenade concert.

NEW POOR HOUSE-It is proposed by the Ladies' Aid Society to move in the matter of providing a Poor House. (The one that is now rented is poor enough for a pig pen.: One that will meet the wants of a city as large as Newport is demanded and as the ladies mean business in this praiseworthy object, there were not long in finding backers among the gentler sex, when women appeals.

Colonel James Taylor offered to head a list with $500; Hon R W Nelson $280; and a gentleman will give plans, specifications, etc. and superintend the construction of the building gratis.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 27 June 1877, page 7

THE Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. Cole, on Bellevue street, Newport, Friday afternoon at four o'clock.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 1 February 1879, page 7


VERY PROPER-One hundred dollars of the Southern Relief Fund was donated yesterday, by order of M V Daly, Chairman of the Committee, to the Ladies' Aid Society. This is certainly putting the money where it will do the most good, as the ladies visit personally the residence of those who apply for relief and seek out families who are in destitute circumstances; and none but those deserving will be benefited by it.

There is still a balance of $196.74 at the First National Bank and $58 at Taylor's Bank, of the Southern Relief Fund and it has been suggested by several of the subscribers to the fund that the whole amount be donated to the Aid Society at once, as this is the season when it is most needed.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 2 February 1880, page 2

THE CHARITY BALL-It is not too much to say that the calico ball given by the Ladies of the Aid Society of Newport at Odd-fellows' Hall in that city, on Friday evening last, was one of the most elegant and recherché affairs of the season. The beauty and elite of the city were represented and added much to the brilliancy by their cheerful presence and tasteful tollets.

The ladies desire to return thanks to all those who kindly lent their assistance to this charity ball, especially to Lieutenant Buck USA and Mr. Frank Buchanan. Among those present were Misses Nellie Abert, Mamie Abert, Annie Marshall, Sallie George, Gussie and Josie Artsman, Mamie Caruthers, Lotta Gibson. Abbie Hazard, Georgie Hodge, Salite Artsman, Winona Hawthorne, Katie Buchanan, Mamie Waters, Mollie Air, Ella Hawkins, Kate Fearons, Mattie Davis, Stella Boal, Kate Coflin, Emma Wright, Annie Sullivan, Miss Robinson and Miss Stein, Mrs. Tibbatts, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. DeWit.

The ladies who managed the affair were: Mrs. Thos L Jones, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Neal, Miss Ridder and Miss Timberlake.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 18 February 1881, page 7

CHARITY BALL-The Ladies of the Aid Society held a meeting at the residence of Mrs. Kelly, on Washington avenue, Newport, and completed arrangements for the grand charity ball, which takes place at Odd Fellows Hall tonight. A good string band will be in attendance and a refreshment stand, loaded with delicacies, will be erected in the hall. The good ladies of this Society deserve to have a grand crowd to encourage them in their efforts to relieve the poor, if nothing else.


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