Kuhl Farm Graves



Submitted April 3, 2007 by Buck Seibert


I visited the site on March 30, 2007 and took a photo and a GPS reading. The landowner, Mr. Kuhl states that there were headstones located here but were removed by local children.

Another landowner, Mr. Bathalter, has lived many years just across the road from this location and remembers the headstones.
He stated to me that years ago someone had visited the site looking for the graves.  The story he remembers hearing was
that the people buried there had been on a passing Wagon Train. The site of the cemetery is on the property line between the Kuhl farm on Pleasant Ridge Road and the Bob White Club.  The site contains 3 cedar trees that are in perfect alignment.  Mr. Bathalter believes the trees were on the edge of the cemetery.

The GPS coordinates for this site are:
38 deg 54.650N
84 deg 24.389W




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