23rd Kentucky Volunteers

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Monday, 15 February 1864, page 3

The following gentlemen have been appointed by a meeting of citizens, to make arrangements for the reception of the 23d Kentucky Volunteers, which regiment has re-enlisted as veterans, and is expected to arrive home in a few days, Colonel J P Jackson, Captain LeGraw, Dr. Shaler, P H Wilson, Captain Best, R W Hawkins and Mayor R B McCracken.

The committee have appointed a meeting of the Ladies of Newport at Odd Fellows Hall at 3 o'clock this afternoon to make arrangements. All ladies favorable to the cause are requested to be present.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 24 February 1864, page 1

This regiment one company of which was raised in Campbell County, has re-enlisted for three years. Lieutenant E H Morin, of Company C is now at his home in Newport on furlough and during his brief stay here will endeavor to add a few men to his command.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 8 March 1864, page 2

The 23d Kentucky Volunteers, a veteran regiment reached Newport, where a large number of its members reside, yesterday morning. They marched from the mail boat wharf, Cincinnati, headed by the Newport Barracks Band to the Odd Fellows Hall, where they partook of a bountiful mean, prepared by the loyal ladies of the city.

Colonel John P Jackson, on behalf of the citizens, delivered a short address, welcoming the veterans to the Newport. Lieutenant Colonel Foy, commanding the 23d, responded on the part of the soldiers. The hall was tastefully decorated and a large number of ladies were in attendance upon the tables. Notwithstanding the early hour, hundreds of people congregated in front of the building, all eager to extend a cordial welcome to the war worn veterans.

The 23d entered the service with 1100 strong, but their ranks have been greatly thinned. The number of re-enlisted men is about 225.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 4 May 1864, page 2

Leroy R Hawthorn of Newport, formerly Quartermaster of the 23d Kentucky Volunteers, has received the appointment of Commissary of Sabelstence?, with the rank of Captain. His commission dates from the 7th of April.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 20 July 1864, page 2

All sick and wounded men of Company H 23d Kentucky Volunteers, now in hospitals without descriptive rolls, can procure them by notifying Captain C Tifft, Newport, Kentucky.



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