Katherine A Platts

Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 July 1903, page 5

Mr. and Mrs. George E Platts are rejoicing over the arrival of a sweet girl.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 August 1905, page 5

At the Oakley fair yesterday Gladys Emerson Platts, the 25 month old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George E Platts of Fairfield and Berry avs. Bellevue, won the second prize, $5 for the prettiest and brightest baby.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 June 1907, page 5

Mrs. George E Platts and daughter, Gladys have returned from a trip to California and other points in the West, after a visit of several weeks.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 31 October 1908, page 5

Mrs. A M McMahon has the following assistant for Tag Day for the benefit of the free wards of Speers Hospital: Mrs. George Platts.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 January 1914, page 3

The meeting of the Iris Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Platts.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 December 1914, page 2

At a meeting of Dora Chapter OES last night Mrs. Katherine Platts was elected Secretary.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 August 1915, page 2

Mrs. G E Platts and little daughter Gladys are sojourning in Monterey O.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 August 1915, page 1

Mrs. G E Platts of Bellevue, returned home after an extended visit in Akron O.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 October 1919, page 4

The will of George E Platts, Bellevue druggist and physician, who met death by electrocution a few weeks ago, was probated Friday in Campbell County Court. The will provides the entire estate shall go to the widow, Katherine A Platts.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 November 1924, page 15

Chicago-At the 25th International Livestock Exhibition, one girl, Gladys Platts, of the University of Kentucky was in the ring judging against 115 boys.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 June 1925, page 1

Eighteen boys and 17 girls were graduated from the Kentucky College of Agriculture June 1. One girl, Gladys Platts, of Cincinnati, completed the course in agriculture.


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