Kate Demmerle
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 September 1921, page 1
FIRST WOMAN SUMMONED FOR GRAND JURY SERVICE-The home appeals to Campbell co. women more than the courtroom if Mrs. Kate Demmerle, 1126 York st. Newport, the first woman subpoenaed for grand jury service is an example.
"I would much rather stay at home and do my housework and make my catsup than go into the courtroom," she said when subpoenaed by Harry Dramer, deputy sheriff of the county. "But if I must serve, I will and I'll do my duty."
"We women have been voting so I suppose we must do our duty in the courtroom," says Mrs. Robert MacBeth, 542 Lexington av. another woman who must be examined for grand jury service in the Campbell Circuit Court next Monday. According to Harry Dramer, who subpoenaed the five women, several appeared frightened. But that he says, was only natural for he points out that many are scared to death when called for service on the grand jury.