Justus J and Anna S Hetsch

From the Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, published by the John M Gresman Company, Chicago-Philadelphia 1896, page 19

JUSTUS J HETSCH, postmaster of Newport, and publisher of the Kentucky Journal, one of the best known and most popular men in his city, was born in Newport, Kentucky September 2, 1851.  He enjoyed all of the advantages of the excellent city schools, graduating from the Newport High School and then taking a classical course of five years in Baldwin University and German Wallace College of Berea, Ohio, graduating with distinction in 1869.

He was inclined to a professional career and began the battle of life as a teacher in the public schools of Newport and was thus employed for three years, when he resigned to engage in the newspaper and printing business; was made president of the Newport Printing and Newspaper Company which was organized in 1872, and has been its president until the present time.

In 1876 during the memorable Tilden campaign, his company established the Kentucky Journal, a vigorous Democratic newspaper, which at once became popular throughout Kentucky on account of the aggressive and progressive position it assumed in national and state politics.  During the nineteen years of its healthy existence, the Journal has lost none of its popularity and has maintained a circulation and patronage that few papers in the state have ever enjoyed.

Mr. Hetsch has been and is a Democrat "in season and out of season" and the valuable services which he has rendered his party, personally as well as through the medium of the Journal, have been recognized not only in local affairs but through-out the state.  In recognition of his services and of his ability as a party leader, his friends secured his appointment by President Cleveland as Postmaster of Newport, and took charge of the post office July 6, 1893.  He has greatly improved and facilitated the business of the office to the entire satisfaction of the public, and is one of the most accommodating and efficient postmasters Newport has had since it became a city.

Mr. Hetsch served his county for six years as Courthouse Commissioner.  He has held other public positions of trust and is a member of a number of benevolent orders, including Masons and Knights Templar, in each of which he is enthusiastic and popular.  He was married November 30, 1892 to Anna S Reichel, a most estimable lade of Newport.


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