Julius T Birnbaum


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 April 1909, page 3

In the suit of Julius Biernbaum against the Ancient Order of United Workmen, Attorney Lockhart for the plaintiff, today in Judge Yungblut's court asked for a decision. Lockhart stated the matter had been pending for six months, without any steps being taken to settle the case. Judge Yungblut assured Attorney Lockhart the matter would be taken up immediately.

Biernhaum is suing to recover $2500 paid in as premiums having allegedly been forced out of the order by the increased rates.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 December 1911, page 5

Julius Birnbaum, aged 72, residing at 731 Maple av. Newport, died yesterday after a short illness. He leaves a widow and four children. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 pm.


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