Judge Jesse C Yelton

Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 June 1890, page 8


Judge Jesse C Yelton, of Newport, of the the best known men in Campbell County and a member of the firm of Gosney & Yelton was found dead in his bed yesterday morning at the southwest corner of Twelfth and Brighton streets. The deceased has been in ill health for the past four years and under the care of physicians.

He retired Saturday evening at the usual hour and when called in the morning failed to respond and the folks going to his room found that he had expired. Coroner Winston was notified and held an inquest returning a verdict of death from dropsy of the heart.

The deceased was 54 years of age, single and was well fixed financially having an interest in two omnibus lines between here and Alexandria, the blacksmith shop of Gosney & Yelton and a large number of teams.


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