Private J P Franks

Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 July 1895, page 7

A team of horses and a wagon belonging to Ft Thomas and driven by Private J P Franks, of Company A, all went over a quarry embankment at noon today with disastrous results. Franks was passing the stone quarry, two miles out of Newport, on the Alexandria Pike, en route to the Post, when the Italians at work happened to fire a blast. The noise alarmed the horses, which ran away, heading for the steep embankment at the quarry.

Over the edge they plunged, dragging driver and wagon with them to the bottom 30 feet below, where the outfit brought up in a tangled mass of wreckage. Franks was severely, perhaps fatally, injured. The horses were badly hurt, while the wagon was smashed into kindling wood. An ambulance was called to take Franks to the hospital.


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