Joseph Houk


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 25 July 1905, page 5

Joseph Houck (sic) of 240 Ward av. Bellevue, manager of the Berlin Bathing Beach, was the victim of a mysterious shooting yesterday at 5:30 pm. Houck was on the sand digger he owns in front of the beach, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left arm below the elbow. Tearing off his coat and shirt he discovered that he had been shot. Several young fellows on the Ohio side of the river had been firing a rifle and it is supposed that the bullet came from that gun.

Houck was removed to his home and Dr. Senour summoned, who found after an X-ray examination that the ball had entered the arm at the elbow and was located in the wrist. The ball was extracted and while the wound is serious, no other results are feared. The identity of the shooter has not been learned. The bullet was a 22-caliber.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 February 1917, page 1

The body of Joseph Houk was in the hands of his relatives as the result of a dream, according to his friend, Warren Wilson of Ft Thomas, who told how he saw the body near Jackson st. Dayton, in the Ohio river, while dreaming, and when he went to the place found it as he saw it in his sleep.

Funeral services for Houk, who was drowned when he fell from a barge into the river Jan 29, were held Monday at 1:30 pm at the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Orr, 239 McCullough st. Cincinnati. The body was found Saturday evening, not more than 10 feet from where Houk fell into the river. He was proprietor of a bathing beach. Houk's will is being contested in Campbell co. courts.

Houk's will which was admitted to probate by Judge J Edward Boltz in Campell co. court Saturday, left his estate, estimated to be worth $10,000 to his wife, who died several years ago. An effort to locate a later will proved fruitless. Two sisters, Miss Ida Keam and Mary Brooks of Houk's dead wife claim the estate. Eight brothers and sisters are also claiming the estate, which involves property in Dayton, including the Berlin Roller Skating Rink.

William Houk, a brother of the dead man, was appointed administrator of the estate by Judge Boltz. His bond is fixed at $6000.


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