Joseph Dicken

Alexandria Deed Book B, page 349, 4 July 1803

Indenture tripartite made 4 July 1803 between Margaret Dicken of Campbell County State of Kentucky, widow and relict of Charles Dicken, latge of the County and State aforesaid, deceased and residuary devises and legatee of his last will and testament of the first part, Joseph Dicken of the same County and State of the second part and Robert Sutton Dicken, James Blagrave Dicken, Ann Gentry Dicken and Sarah Pullum Dicken, childred of the aforesaid Margaret by the above Charles Dicken of the third part.

For and in consideration of the natural love and affection which the the said Margaret Dicken hath and beareth unto Robert Sutton Dicken, James Blagrave Dicken, Ann Sentry Dicken and Sarah Pullum Dicken and also for the consideration of the sum of one dollar of lawful money of the United States of America to her in hand paid by the said Joseph Dicken sells unto Joseph, one black female slave aged about 19 years, named Ann, together with the issue and increase of the said Slave Ann to be born.

Ann, in trust for Margaret Dicken and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and upon her death then in trust for and to the use and behalf of Robert Sutton Dicken, James Blagrave Dicken, Ann Gentry Dicken and Sarah Pullum Dicken (infant children of the aforesaid Charles Dicken) their heirs and assigns forever and upon the death of either or any of the said children before the age of 21 without lawful issue living or posthumous than the share of such deceased or shares as the case may be in trust for the survivor or survivors.

Witness-William Gosney

Alexandria Deed Book C, page 206, 17 Mar 1809, recorded 27 August 1809

Indenture made 17 Mar 1809 between Squire Grant of the County of Campbell and Joseph Dicken of the County of Campbell of the other part.  Squire for an din consideration of 50 pounds sells all that tract of Land situated in the County of Campbell on the Brush Forks of Wells Creek contained 100 Acres beginning at Robert Suttons North West corner etc.

Squire and Susannah his wife.  Signed and sealed in the presence of

John Maxwell, Henry Boyles, Conrod (X) Caster, David Alen

Alexandria Deed Book D-1, page 51, 22 Aug 1811

Indenture made 22 August 1811 between Joseph Dickens and Mary his wife and Ann Blagrave of the County of Campbell of the one part and Samuel Smith of the County aforesaid of the other part.  Joseph and Mary his wife and Ann Blagrave for an in consideration of $130, sell all that tract of land situated in the County of Campbell on the waters of 12 Mile containing 65 acres.

Alexandria Deed Book M, page 364, 28 January 1814, recorded 8 Mar 1814

This Deed Poll made 28 January 1814 between Joseph Dicken and Mary his wife of the County of Campbell of the one part and Wailes Aldrich of the County of (blank) and State of Ohio of the other Part.  Joseph and Mary for and in consideration of the sum of $200 sell one hundred acres of land Situated in the County of Campbell on the waters of Will's Creek it being part of Robert Sutton's tract of 1200 acres. Beginning at a hickory in Anthony Wallen White's line corner of William Gary, to Jacob Fellows and William Gary's.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged before us. John Anderson, James K Kercheval

Alexandria Deed Book D-1, page 261, 28 January 1814, recorded 1 September 1814

Indenture made 28 January 1814 between Joseph Dicken and his wife Mary of the County of Campbell of the one part.  Jacob Fellows of the County of Hamilton and State of Ohio of the other part.  Joseph and Mary for an in consideration of the sum of $40 sell all that tract of land situated in the county of Campbell on Wells Creek containing 25 acres beginning at a black walnut white oak and hickory in Anthony Walton's line, to Ann Blagrave to Warter Ulrich.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged before us. John Anderson, James Kercheval

Alexandria Deed B-1, page 262, 28 January 1814, recorded 1 September 1814

Indenture made 28 January 1814 between Joseph Dicken and his wife Mary of the County of Campbell of the one part and Jacob Fellows of the County of Hamilton and State of Ohio of the other part.  Joseph and Mary for and in consideration of the sum of $250 sell all that tract of land situated in Campbell County on Wells Creek containing 100 acres beginning at two sugar trees on the east side of the creek in line of John Anderson's survey.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged before us. John Anderson, James Kercheval

Alexandria Deed Book F, page 321, 15 September 1821, recorded 25 May 1824

Indenture made 15 September 1821 between Joseph Dickens and Mary his wife of Campbell County of the first part and Justin King of Cincinnati, County of Hamilton state of Ohio of the second part.  Party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of $200 sell the following piece of ground in the county of Campbell, it being part of Robert Suton's tract of 1200 acres on Wells Creek beginning at Anthony Waller White corner, through John Anderson, Wales Aldrick containing 100 acres.

Teste: John Anderson, John Thrasher

Alexandria Deed Book R, page 16, 29 June 1842, recorded 4 September 1842

Indenture made 29 June 1842 between Charles Dicken, Ann Kercheval, Joseph W Dicken, Levi Dicken, Simeon Dicken, James Stephens and Mary J Stephens his wife, late Mary J Dicken, heirs of Mary Dicken, deceased, of the first part and Justin King of the City of Cincinnati and State of Ohio of the second part.  Party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of $1 sell all that certain tract of land situated in the County of Campbell on Wells Creek being part of Robert Sutton's 1200 acres beginning at Anthony Walton White's Corner; John Anderson, Joseph Fellows, Wales Aldrick contained 100 acres.

Alexandria Deed Book S, page 233, recorded 10 May 1848

James M Stevens and Mary Stevens his wife in consideration of $100 to them paid by Jeremiah White, sell all their right to a certain tract of land lying in the county of Campbell containing 125 3/4 acres which descended to the said Mary S Stevens from her ancestors, Joseph Dicken and Mary, his wife now deceased; which said interest is the undivided
eighth part of said tract of land reserving there from the burying ground on said land.

Alexandria Deed Book S, page 285, recorded 13 Jun 1848

Charles Dicken of Campbell County in consideration of $100 to him paid by James J White, sells all his right to a certain tract of land lying in the county of Campbell.  Containing 125 3/4 acres which descended to him from his ancestors Joseph and Mary Dicken, now deceased, which interest is the undivided eighth part of said tract reserving there
 from the burying ground on the same.  Charles Dicken together with Mary his wife.

Alexandria Court Order Book 5, Page 319, 24 July 1848

Satisfactory proof was exhibited to Court by the oaths of Wm. Griffey and H. R. Rachford that Joseph Dicken was a pensioner of the U. S. at the rate of $66.66 per year, that he was a resident of the County of' Campbell in the State of Kentucky, that he died in the County and State afsd. on the 4th of January 1848, that he left no widow and that he left Chas. Dicken, Joseph Dicken, Levi Dicken, Simeon Dicken, Nancy Kerchival, Mary Stevens and that he left Mary H. White, Joseph White and Thomas White grandchildren and heirs of Margaret White, late Dicken, Lewis, Mary and (blank) Dicken children of H. B. Dicken.


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