Joseph Dicken Pension


Pension #3287

This document was copied by Margaret Hartman from the original War Documents and is in book #7000-2006-0089 at the Campbell County Historical & Genealogical Society in Alexandria

State of Kentucky; Campbell County

On this 27th day of August 1832, personally appeared in open court before the Justices of the County Court of the County of Campbell aforesaid now sitting Joseph Dicken, a resident of said County of Campbell and state of Kentucky, aged 68 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832.

 That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. viz. that he entered the service in the company of Capt. Fisher Rice in Culpepper County, State of Virginia in the year 1779 and before harvest and as well as he can recollect in the month of June; that he does not recollect of being under the command of any officer on this tour of service higher in command than his Captain. That this company was drafted for the purpose of marching towards the seacoast and that he volunteered into the company of a substitute in the place of Joshua Runder, who had been drafted.

 He made one trip in this company some distance below Richmond and near to the seacoast, but how long they were gone he does not recollect.  They were in no engagement on this trip.  They saw the ruins of many houses on their march, but saw no enemy. Some time in September or October of the same year he entered into the service of the Company of Captain Mark Finks, also as a volunteer and substitute in the place of John Bundina. In this company they marched nearly the same route, but crossed James River and went down towards Norfolk and on this trip they saw no enemy except some Tories, but had no fighting.  He does not recollect the precise time of their return, but remembers that the weather was cold.  On this trip he was under the command of no officer that he knows of higher than his Captain.

In the year 1780 in the spring, he believes in the month of April or May, he entered the service as a drafted man in the company of Capt. Henry Towles and that they marched into the Carolinas.  How far he has no recollection as they saw a good many Tories but had no battle with them, as they dispensed or fled. He was absent on this trip about two months as it was a long one.  He does not recollect certainly whether they had any officers with them higher than a captain, but if there was he thinks it must have been a Major Robert Powell.  There were two or three other companies along but does not recollect the names of their Captains.

In the month of August or September in the year 1780 he volunteered into the company of Capt. Elijah Kirtly and marched with him into the Carolinas, but higher up in the Country than when he went with Towles.  There were two or three other companies along, but he cannot recollect the names of their Captains.  He thinks, however that one of them was of the name of Finnell or Finney.  He does not recollect any officer in this expedition higher than Captain. On this trip they had no engagement and were gone a long time and did not return until he thinks until late in October as the weather was cold and some people had begun to gather corn.

In February or March of 1781, he was drafted into the company of Captain Fisher Rice and marched under him towards Norfolk and under the command of ___ James Slaughter, and Major Henry Hill and when they got down some distance they joined the command of General Muhlenburgh and marched under him to within a few miles of Norfolk, when Colonel Tarlton took after them and they retreated to Petersburg.  They tore up a bridge to keep Tarlton from over taking them, and had a small skirmish at the bridge.  They then retreated to Richmond and Tarlton pursued them.  While they were at Richmond, Tarlton came to Manchester opposite Richmond and burnt the town, ware house & a great deal of tobacco, in sight of our troops who were in Richmond.

Tarlton returned to Osborne's Mill and burnt them and some vessels there.  They followed him back nearly to Norfolk and that Tarlton again turned upon them and they retreated to Petersburg and found that all the valuable part of the town had been burnt. Then retreated to Richmond where they met with Stinbers? and they were engaged in thus advancing and retreating until they were joined by the Marquis De LaFayette and afterwards by General Wayne.  They then attempted to make a ____ against the British under Cornwallis and had a skirmish with them near Jamestown. 

He (Dicken) then returned home a few days and substituted himself for one Simeon Buford in the company of Captain Armstead White and marched with him to Williamsburg and there joined the main army.  He was under he thinks, Col John Graves and that General Stephens was the commander of the militia.  He does not know whether the main army was then under the command of Lafayette or Wayne. 

He did not see General Washington till they got to Yorktown and that he was with the army at the whole siege and taking of Yorktown and was one of the guard of the prisoners to the Barracks in Frederick County across from the Blue Ridge. He then returned hom some time about the middle of November and has no documentary evidence and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State.

Sworn to & subscribed the day & year aforesaid, Joseph Dicken and (signed) John Taliaferro, Clerk

Interrogatories propounded to Joseph Dicken, applicant for a pension by the County Court of Campbell County, State of Kentucky and the answers thereto;

Q-Where and what year were you born?

A-In Culpepper County in the State of Virginia on the 23rd day of March 1764.

Q-Have you any record of your age, and if so where is it?

A-Yes, I have it in a Bible which I have at my House.

Q-Where were you living when called into service; were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitute and if a substitute for whom?

A-I was living in Culpepper County, State of Virginia; I was a volunteer under Capt. Kirtly; I was a substitute under Capt. Rice the first time for Joshua Runder, and the second time was a drafted man under him.  I was a substitute under Capt. Finks for John Burdine.  I was a drafted man under Capt. Towles, and I was a substitute for Simeon Buford under Captain White.

Q-State the names of some of the Regular Officers who were with the troops, where you served; such as continental and militia Regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your service.

A-I cannot answer this question more particularly that I have done in the declaration I have just made.

Q-Did you ever receive a discharge from the service and if so, by whom was it given and what has become of it?

A-I never did receive any discharge that I recollect of.

We, John Stephens, a Clergyman residing in the County of Campbell & State of Kentucky and Henry E Spillman in the same County, hereby certify, that we are well acquainted with Joseph Dicken, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be Sixty Eight years of age; that he is reported and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion.

John Stephens, H E Spilman, Sworn & subscribed the day & year aforesaid. Jno N Taliaferro Clerk

And the said court do herby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier, and served as he states.  And the court further certifies that it appear to them that John Stephens, who has signed the preceding certificate is a Clergyman resident in the County of Campbell, State of Kentucky,and that Henry E Spillman who has also signed the same is a resident in the County of Campbell, State of Kentucky and that their statement is entitled to credit.

I John N Taliaferro, Clerk of the County of Campbell, do certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the court in the matter of the application of Joseph Dicken for a pension.  In Testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this 27th day of August 1832.

Jno N Taliaferro Clk

Application for a Transfer from Kentucky to Cincinnati Ohio 4 Sep 1833

On this twenty fourth day of July 1833 before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace for the said County of Campbell personally appeared Joseph Dicken, who on his Oath declares that he is the same person who formerly belonged to the Company Commanded by Captain Fisher Rice in the Regiment commanded by Colonel James Slaughter in the service of the United States; that his name was placed on the Pension Roll of the State of Kentucky and that he now resides in said state where he intends to remain but wishes his pension to be payable in future in Cincinnati Ohio for the following reasons.

First, he is very old and infirm therefore it is through much difficulty that he can go to Lexington where his pension is now payable, a distance of above Seventy miles; that he now resides in Campbell within about fifteen miles of Cincinnati and that the Clerks Office of this county where I have to get the seal is within sight of Cincinnati only Ohio river between.  Hence I solicit a transfer.  Joseph Dicken (seal)

Sworn and Subscribed to before me this day and year aforesaid Saml Winston JPCC

It was also stated in open court that the parents of the said pensioner, Joseph Dicken had died while he was very young and that he had been left in the care of an overseer. The following data contained in the said pensioner application for a transfer of his pension payment.

On the 24th of the month of July of the year 1833, Joseph Dicken took oath that he was the person who belonged to the company under the command of Captain Fisher Rice, and that his name was placed on the pension roll of the state of Kentucky. He stated that he still resided in the State of Kentucky, but that he wishes his pension in the future at Cincinnati in the state of Ohio. On the 24th of July 1833, he also took oath under me that he is the identical man named.

(signed) Isaac Dye

John Taliaferro also said that he testified as to the identify of the aforesaid Samuel Winston.

(signed) John Taliaferro

To Ohio 4041 Kentucky from Joseph Dicken of Campbell Co in the State of Kentucky who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Rice of the regt commanded by (blank) in the Virginia Militia for twenty months.

Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 66 Dollars 66 cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1831.

Certificate of Pension issued the 9 day of Jan 1833 and sent to R N Johnson H R

Arrears to 4th of Sep 1832-$100
Semiannual allowance ending 4 March 1832-$33.33

Revolutionary Claim Account 7 June 1832-$133.33

Recorded by Wm S Allison Book 0, Vol 9, page 36


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