Joseph Casey Pension


Pension #15364

County of Campbell, State of Kentucky: On the 11th of the month of March of the year 1834, there appeared before Samuel Baker, Joseph Casey, a resident of the aforesaid county and state, aged 71 years from the information given him by his father, who being first duly sworn according to law, by oath stated and swore as follows:

He stated that he had first entered the service in the War of the Revolution at the age of 18 years to serve in the capacity of a volunteer for a tour of three months duration in the company under the command of Captain Wally. He stated also that in the summer of the year 1781 he had entered the said service. He stated that at that time he resided at Allegheny County, Pennsylvania not far from the city of Pittsburgh. He stated that they had resided in the same neighborhood as the following witness states. It is also stated that the said pensioner did not remember the names of his officers, but that the time was in the winter of the years of 1781 and 1782.

(signed ) Joseph Casey

The affidavit of Richard Tarvin and James Baker was also given at the same time and in the same place as the foregoing. The said deponent stated and swore that they were both well and favorably acquainted with the said pensioner, Joseph Casey, for a period of 20 years. They further stated and swore that in the neighborhood in which the said pensioner resided he was reputed to have served in the War of the Revolution on the side of the USA.

(signed) Richard Tarvin and James Baker


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