Jonathan Huling

Alexandria Court Order Book 1, page 37  11 May 1807

On the motion of Sarah Smith who made oath & together with George Porter and Robert Fowler her Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the sum of $1000, conditioned as the law directs Certificate is Granted her obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of James Smith, Dscd in due form.

Ordered that Daniel Mayo, David Lewis, Jonathan Huling, and James McClure or any three of them being first sworn (before a Justice of the peace of this County) to appraise in Current money the slaves (if any) and personal estate of James Smith Deed and return the appraisal to the next Court.
Newport Will Book A, page 113 6 June 1807
Recorded May Court 1807

Inventory of James Smith, deceased by Daniel Mayo, James McClure, David Lewis and Jonathan Huling.  Among items; two barrels containing beer, Tubs and barrels in the Brue house, Steel mault mill
Alexandria Court Order Book 2, page 172, 27 March 1820

On motion of Ebenezer Smith, it is ordered that Jonathan Huling, Thomas Bently, Moses
Smith and George Denison, or any three of them being first sworn do view and mark out a
road beginning at James Taylor's Mill farm thence to Ebenezer Smith's Mill and from the
mill to the Bank Lick Road leading out to the Newport Road between Caldwell's and
Lindsey's, and that they made report to Court.


Court Order Book 2, page 195, recorded 25 Sep 1820

Jacob Coones against James M T Eubank, infant heir, on motion for the conveyance of land.  The plaintiff in the motion this day appeared by his attorney.  It appearing to the satisfaction of the said court that Nancy Brown, guardian to the said James M T Eubank had had legal notice of this motion and that the said Coones holds the bond of the said James T Eubank, deceased, for the conveyance of said land and it also appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the same is situated in Campbell County and that the purchase money has been fully paid.  It is therefore ordered that David Lewis, David Perry and Jonathan Huling be and are hereby appointed commissioners to convey by deed in fee simple to the said Coones a certain tract of land included within the following bounds-to wit-boundaries.

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