Jonathan W Tibbatts

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 7 July 1852, page 2


At his residence in Newport Ky. on Monday morning the 5th inst. at half past seven am of congestion of the brain, Col. Jonathan W Tibbatts, in the 51st years of his age.  Col. Tibbatts was a native of Lexington Ky. and graduated with merit at Transylvania University. After he had finished a collegiate course, he studied law in the office of William T Barry, Esq. with whom he afterwards formed a partnership.

About the year 1925, he removed to Newport Ky. where he married a daughter of Gen. James Taylor of that place and where he resided up to his death. Col. Tibbatts engaged in early life in politics. He was for several sessions, a member of the Kentucky Legislature, and for four years, or two sessions, a member of Congress from the district opposite this city. While in Congress, he was noted for his readings and power in debate and for his industry and constant attention to his duties on committees and in the House during its sittings.

For his advocacy of the bills for the improvement of western rivers, he was presented, on his return from Congress, with a splendid piece of silver plate by the steamboat men of Cincinnati and other western places. The Mexican War occurred while Col. Tibbatts was in Congress and the Administration had no more ardent and able supporter in the House than he. He defended the Administration for the course it pursued, and advocated the most liberal supplies being furnished for bringing the war to an early close.

On his retirement from Congress, he entered the services of that war, as the Colonel of the 16th Regiment, which was ordered to operate on Gen. Taylor's line and under the command of that officer. Gen. Taylor appointed him military Governor of Monterey, which position he filled. After his return from Mexico he engaged in his profession.

He leaves a wife and large family by whom the sudden departure of their head is mourned with the deepest anguish, for he was greatly loved. The remains of Col. Tibbatts will be buried this morning at 10 am. from his late residence in Newport.


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