Jonathan Keen


Alexandria Book B, page 119-Recorded June 1824

Property of Jonathan Keen deceased, as delivered to the appraisers for valuation 10 Apr 1824. Appraised by John Grant, Reuben Benson and Hezekiah Maddox.

Page 110-sale of property of Jonathan Keen deceased, late of Campbell County 10 Apr 1824. Purchasers, Marchus Keen, Lucy Keen

Page 122-survey for Lucy Keen 18 and ½ acre lot No. 1 of 7 ¼ acres part of the bottom field part pasture land which includes the mantion house; 22 Apr 1824. Dower of Lucy Keen widow of Jonathan Keen, deceased.

Alexandria Book K, page 171-Recorded 5 Feb 1831

Whereas James Taylor, executor of David Leitch, deceased on 17 Aug 1797, entered into a written contract with William Kennedy, since deceased, to redivide a tract of 13,800 acres of land patented to the said Leitch and Kennedy. Whereas it was agreed that the redivision should not effect a tract of 100 acres sold by the said Kennedy to a certain Thomas Johnson. Further that for the said Kennedy to pay the said Taylor the same price which he had sold the said land for the said Johnson in case any of the said land should fall within the part owned by the devesee of the said Leitch on said re-division.

Whereas upon said re-division 54 and ½ acres of the said 100 acres fell within the bounds of the part owned by the devisee of the said Leitch and whereas the said David Letich, deceased, by his last will and testament which is of record in the County Court of Mason County and state of Kentucky, devised the whole of his estate to his Keturah who has since intermarried with the said James Taylor. And whereas also the said James Taylor has this day received full compensation for the said 54 and ½ acres of land by a deed bearing date herewith from the administrators of the estate of William Kennedy, deceased, for 55 acres of land by reason of which said premises, it has become necessary for the said James Taylor and Keturah his wife, to convey the said 54 and ½ acres of land to Jonathan Keen, who is by assignment regularly made the present proprietor of the said 100 acres of land. Indenture made between James Taylor and Keturah, his wife to sell to Jonathan Keen 54 and ½ acres of land situated in the county of Campbell to the hackberry and box elder on the east bank of Licking river.



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