John Wright

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 2 July 1902, page 8


John Wright, an old farmer, residing near Alexandria, Ky. was driving his horse near Eleventh and Monmouth streets, Newport, yesterday, when the buggy shaft broke and the horse ran away. Wright pitched forward, his foot caught in the shaft and as he hung head downard, the horse kicked him with each jump he made.

When the Chesapeake and Ohio tracks were reached the safety gates were being let down to allow a passenger train to pass, but the horse got past beore they were down and as the vehicle passed over the tracks, Wright's body fearfully cut and bruised fell in the path of the train.

Mr. John Klocker, of the Wiedemann Brewery and several other men dragged Wright's body form the track just in time to prevent his being crushed to death beneath the wheels. Officer Kleeman called the patron wagon and took Wright to the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Ochs on Monroe street, where Dr. Phythian and Stine pronounced his injuries very serious. The horse was stopped after his run some distance out of the Alexandria Pike


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