John Lorenzo Winters

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 January 1914, page 3

Officers of the Blue Grass Aerie of Eagles, Bellevue, were installed last night. Past Worthy President Joseph Cassidy acted as mater of ceremonies. Circuit Court Clerk W H Newell and prosecuting Attorney Burkamp made addresses. Mayor John Winters and members of the Board of Council stopped in during the evening.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 February 1914, page 3

Bellevue and Dayton Civic League will meet at Cavalry M E Church, Bellevue, Tuesday at 8 pm to receive reports of the committees appointed to present petitions to Mayor W C Quinby and Mayor John L Winters of this city, calling upon them to close the saloons.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 November 1914, page 3

The resolution adopted by Council at its last meeting regulating the government of the police and fire alarm system, was vetoes by Mayor John L Winters. The regulations provided the night telephone operator was to be the overseer of the night patrolmen and required to report on the diligence of the officers to Chief of Police Seither. Mayor Winters opposed the measure from the beginning and announced at the last meeting he would veto it within 10 days. Council passed the resolution over his objection.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 February 1915, page 2

Mayor John L Winters of Bellevue, has instructed Chief of Police Seither to strictly enforce the "skating on the sidewalk" ordinance, passed a short time ago. Children have been skating on the sidewalk and Chief Seither Saturday took steps to do away with this practice.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 October 1915, page 3

Mayor John Winters yesterday appointed a committee of five voters in each ward to boost the proposed $22,000 bond issue for the improvement of Taylor av.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 December 1915, page 1

Bellevue will give a share of food and clothing to every known worthy poor family in corporate bounds of the city. A meeting of citizens and city officials will be held Monday night to finish plans for distribution. A committee was appointed by Mayor John Winters to solicit donations. Those in need should apply at City Hall.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 January 1916, page 2

Mayor John Winters in his annual message to Council stated he favored setting aside a certain sum of money for the operation of each department only, leaving the money in general fund to meet current expenses. The ways and means committee will investigate the legality of this ordinance.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 June 1916, page 2

Mayor John Winters and Mayor W C Quinby of Dayton, with Dr. August Helmbold, former Newport Mayor spoke at corner stone laying at parsonage of Trinity Lutheran Church, Taylor and Center sts.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 January 1917, page 1

Mayor John L Winters of Bellevue Tuesday issued orders for the police to arrest any children caught roller skating or skate mobiling on any of the streets in the city. Citizens have complained of being knocked down by children on these vehicles. Mayor Winters explained there are three playgrounds in the city, which afford ample room for children to skate and play to their hearts' content.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 September 1917, page 1

Mayor John Winters of Bellevue will preside at a meeting to be held Friday night in Fraternal Hall, Bellevue, at which time plans to hold a farewell celebration in honor of Bellevue boys called to the colors will be made. Comfort kits will be given each soldier.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 November 1917, page 1

John L Winters, present mayor of Bellevue, was re-elected by the voters Tuesday. His opponents, A M Klein (D) received 458, and Oscar Bauman (I) 137, while Winters was voted into office again with 725 votes.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 October 1918, page 2

Public funeral of influenza victims have been placed under the ban by both the Newport City and Campbell County Health Boards. John L Winters, Mayor of Bellevue, and William C Smith, Dayton's chief executive, have issued orders that all place of amusement and worship be closed. This order also applies to lodges. Dr. J O Jenkins, president of Speers Hospital, has issued an order denying all persons except immediate relatives of patients admission to the hospital.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 February 1919, page 1

George Seither was ousted as chief of the Bellevue Police Department and John Winters, mayor was held to be without authority to veto resolutions that deal with the trials of city employees Wednesday by Otto Wolff, Campbell Circuit Judge.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 April 1919, page 1

Public schools of Bellevue and Dayton were closed Friday so that pupils and teachers could attend the celebration in Cincinnati welcoming homecoming soldiers. Mayor John L Winters, Bellevue, issued a proclamation declaring the day a holiday. Dayton pupils of the eighth grade and higher took part in the singing.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 May 1919, page 1

The ordinances prepared by W H Weiss, Kansas City expert, for a better lighting system for Bellevue's streets was passed on its final reading Thursday night and as soon as John L Winters, mayor, attaches his signature the ordinance will become law.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 January 1921, page 2

In his annual message to Council Thursday night, John L Winters, Bellevue mayor, suggested an outlet to Bonnie Leslie be made through Bellevue so residents of that section may have fire protection from Bellevue, access to its schools and be able to reach their homes direct instead of by way of Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 November 1921, page 1

Bellevue Mayor: Chester W Dorsey, 1506; John L Winters, 1432.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 March 1935, page 1

John L Winters, former mayor of Bellevue and father of Chief of George E Winters, of Bellevue police, died early today at his farm at Cizzadale O. relatives here were notified today. He was 80.  Mr. Winters was mayor of Bellevue from 1914 to 1922 and previously served as councilman. He formerly was an employee of the Fleischmann Distilling Co. He leaves a widow, Orphia Winters, two sons, Chief Winters, and James E, Bellevue businessman; two daughters Mrs. Sophia Rehring of Bellevue and Mrs. Orrella Cowie, Cincinnati; three brothers, George H and Jefferson, Cincinnati and James E of Eagle Pass Tex. seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 pm at the A C Dobbling funeral home, Bellevue. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.


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