John Webb

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 December 1926, page 1

John Webb, 82, Civil War veteran and retired US Secret Service agent, 29 River rd. Ft Thomas, died Monday night after being ill more than a year. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 pm from the W Mack Johnson funeral parlor, McMillan and Upland pl. Cincinnati. Burial will be in Wesleyan Cemetery. Surviving him are his widow, Lydia Webb, and three daughters, Mrs. Charles Norris, Canton O. Mrs. Sheron Baldwin, Ft Wayne Ind. And Mrs. J Farmer, Milwaukee, Wis. Webb was a native of Canton O. and served as police chief there for many years.

He was a personal friend of President McKinley and during McKinley’s administration was appointed Secret Service agent and was placed in charge of the Cincinnati district. Later he was transferred to Omaha Neb. While at Omaha Webb trailed down the famous Windham gang, counterfeiters of $2 bills and arrested the principals in Canada. Webb retired about 15 years ago and moved to Ft Thomas about 10 years ago. He became ill in November 1925 while returning home from the polls on election day.


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