John P Sullivan


Cincinnati Enquirer, 31 August 1918, page 13


SOUGHT THICK OF FIGHT-John P Sullivan, Newport Ky. son of John P Sullivan, Cincinnati Hotel man, is the John Shannon who was killed in action a short time ago.  Sullivan was a yeoman on board the United States steamship Powhattan and October 24, 1917, left his ship without the formality of being discharged.

A few days later while the Navy Department was searching for him for being absent without leave, Sullivan was enlisted in the regular army at Ft Slocum NY.  He soon was sent to France as a machine gunner and was killed in the Chateau Thierry sector.  When the name John Shannon appeared on the casualty list the address was given as 254 Pike street.

Patrolman Dowd lives at 254 Pike street. He wrote to the Navy Department to make inquirers.  The following answer was received:

"The fingerprints of John P Sullivan who enlisted in the Navy on March 12, 1917 at Cincinnati Ohio, have been found to be identical with those of John Shannon, who enlisted in the regular army on October 31, 1917 at Ft Slocum NY."


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