John Smith

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 June 1901, page 7


At the conculsion of a day's pleasure riding on the river in company with Joseph Goodfrend and the latter's little boy, of 856 Patterson street, John Smith, an employee of Haeffe, the vault cleaner, 37 years of age and residing at 520 Elm street, Newport, committed suicide by jumping out of the boat at a point opposite Marmet's coal fleet on the Cincinnati side.

Goodfrend was rowing the boat and made an attempt to rescue his friend, but the latter was determined to die, shoved the extended oar away and sank from sigh beneath the muddy waters of the Ohio. His body did not rise.

Smith is married and has one son about 13 years of age. Goodfrend came to Newport and reported the facts to the police and Lieutenant Jack Leahy notified Mrs. Smith. Smith had evidently been afflicted with suicidal mania for some time. Yesterday on the way to the river, Goodfrend remonstrated with him for the route he was taking, saying that it was not the best way. Smith's reply was "that it did not make any difference, as that was the last time he was going to the river." He also told Goodfrend that he and his wife had a quarrel.


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