John Schubert

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 May 1907, page 5

John Schubert, 72, of 1117 Orchard st. Newport was struck by a westbound C&O passenger train late yesterday afternoon near the Tenth st. Bridge and instantly killed. He had stepped from the eastbound track to avoid an oncoming train directly in front of the westbound train. He was hurled a distance of 50 feet and when picked up was dead. Coroner Digby viewed the remains after which they were taken to Betz's Morgue. Later the body was removed to the Schubert home.

Decedent was an expert locksmith. For many years he was employed with the Herring Hall Marvin Safe Co. of Cincinnati and had traveled all over the country for the firm and opened some of the most complicated safes. He was returning from a trip in the hills back of Newport where he had gathered a collection of insects, when he met his tragic death.

Decedent is survived by a widow, four daughters and two sons. He served in the Ninth Ohio Volunteer Regiment during the Civil War and was a member of William Nelson Post GAR in Newport.


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