John Pore

Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 July 1917, page 2

Northern Kentuckians who enlisted in Cincinnati Thursday follow: Frank Martz, regular army; James Ball, laborer, Southgate; Philip Ross, laborer, Dayton. The following were enlisted at Cincinnati Wednesday; Regular army, John Pore, laborer, Newport, and William Gubser, laborer, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 February 1919, page 1

When John Pore, 114 York st. Newport marched away to war two years ago, he carried with him the promise of his sweetheart that whatever happened she would marry him on his return. Pore returned to Newport this week and he had been made a corporal. He had lost both legs while fighting the Germans in tge Argonne forest. He knew the horror of war and the pain of wounds.

John Pore was married Friday night to Miss May Cain, Covington. While confined in a base hospital in France, he wrote to Miss Cain and the date for the wedding ceremony was set. Friday afternoon Pore and his bride called on William Milius, clerk of Campbell co. and obtained a document. The ceremony was performed by Theodore Bertalsman, Newport magistrate.

Corporal Pore is wearing a pair of artificial legs furnished by Uncle Sam. He is learning to use them and few will guess his sacrifice.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 April 1919, page 1

Testimony in the case against John Pore, a legless soldier was brought out to the effect that the saloon operated by Charles Hobt, Second and York streets, Newport, was of a questionable character.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 September 1919, page 1

John Pore, a legless veteran of the battle of Chateau Thierry and his wife, May, were in Newport Police Court Monday morning, charged with being drunk and disorderly conduct. Mrs. Pore told the court that the soldier had blackened her eyes. Pore did not deny the statements.

A jail sentence of 30 days was given the man and his wife. The Pores were married just after the veteran returned from overseas and went to housekeeping at Second and York streets. Witnesses told the court Monday that Mrs. Pore ran into the street in scant attire and created a scene.   


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 October 1919, page 1

John Pore, Newport soldier, is minus both his legs, but as a fighter he shines with the best of them, police say. Pore was released Monday from Newport Jail and a few hours later was rearrested on a charge of creating a disturbance in a saloon at Second and York streets. Pore lost both his legs while fighting in France.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 December 1919, page 2

A fine of $15 and costs was assessed John Pore, legless returned soldier by Judge Otto Wolff, in Campbell Circuit Court, late Wednesday on a charge of being drunk and disorderly.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 December 1919, page 1

John Pore, 28, Second and York streets, Newport, who lost both legs in the battle of Argonne Forest, was sent to jail for 30 days on charge of wrecking the interior of a poolroom owned by John Eviston, Third and Monmouth streets. Judge Moore announced his intention of appealing to Washington to take steps to keep Pore out of trouble and to have a committee appointed to take care of his affairs.

The court said he was tired of fining the solder and declared he was determined to have something done. Eviston said Pore became angered Sunday night and started to throw pool balls about the interior and the placed was wrecked.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 June 1921, page 1

Trial of John Pore, legless war veteran and wife of Front and York streets, Newport, was continued until Tuesday. Pore and his wife were arrested by Newport police Sunday upon complaint of persons in the neighborhood. They were charged with being drunk and disorderly. Pore was fined $50 and costs and sentenced to serve 30 days in jail upon a similar charge. He was released upon his appeal bond.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 July 1921, page 1

An ejectment suit of Lillian Yarnell against John Pore and wife was appealed to the Campbell Circuit Court from the magistrate's court of Theodore Gerding. Pore is a veteran of the World War.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 September 1921, page 2

Robert Burns, 25, of Fifth and Isabella streets, Newport, charged with highway robbery by John Pore, former soldier, of 8 E Front st. Newport, was released from Speers Hospital Thursday and lodged in the Newport jail.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 November 1921, page 6

Charging Mrs. May Pore with misconduct, John Pore, legless war veteran of Newport, sued for divorce. He says they were married Feb 14, 1919.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 July 1927, page 4

Corporal John Pore, 307 W Fifth st. Newport, legless war veteran and style "the Yank with the million dollar smile" will represent Campbell Co disabled veterans at the disabled veterans state convention to be held in September at Frankfort K.

Pore enlisted July 9, 1917 in the 28th Infantry and saw active service in France from Nov 12, 1917 until Nov 22, 1918. He was wounded severely July 18, 1918, losing both his legs, when a large shell exploded at his feet. Although his limbs were shattered by the bursting shell, Pore remained conscious and strapped his legs to check the flow of blood. After lying virtually a half day on the battlefield, he was picked up by two German prisoners and carried four miles on a rifle to a hospital behind the lines.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 December 1927, page 1

Three families were routed Wednesday at 4:20 am when the dwelling at 305 and 307 W Fifth st. Newport, caught fire. Families of John Pore and A Erpenbeck, who reside in the dwelling at 307 W Fifth st. and John Pierce, negro, of 305 W Fifth st. were routed by the blaze. The fire was caused by an overheated gas plate in the attic of the home of Pierce and burned through a partition, which separates the two dwellings and ignited the attic of the home of Pore, a legless war veteran and Erpenbeck. Pore resides on the second floor.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 January 1937, page 2

Charged with disorderly conduct and resisting an officer, John Pore, 43, of 514 Central avenue, Newport, legless World War veteran, was fined $100 and costs and sentenced to 60 days in jail today by Police Judge Alfred G Maybury. Police said Pore was intoxicated and created a disturbance in a cafe at 10th and York streets. When being taken to jail he tripped police with his artificial legs and resisted arrest.


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