Dr. John Linton Phythian


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 April 1950, page 1

Dr. John L Phythian, 80, of 103 Riverside Parkway, Ft Thomas, president  of the Board of Trustees of Speers Hospital for many years, who was the oldest practicing physician in Campbell county, died Monday at Speers Hospital, where he had been admitted March 6. Dr. Phythian, who had been ill a year, leaves his widow, Mrs. Margaret Phythian.

A member of the American College of Surgeons and the Kenton Campbell Medical Society, Dr. Phythian was graduated from the University of Louisville Medical College in 1891. With his office located at 222 E Sixth street, Newport, Dr. Phythian was associated with the late Dr. Claude Youtsey until the latter's death. Dobbling Funeral Home, Ft Thomas, has charge of arrangements.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 April 1950, page 1

Services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday at the Dobbling funeral home, Ft Thomas, for Dr. John L Phythian, 103-Riverside Parkway, Ft Thomas, president of the board of trustees of Speers Hospital, Dayton, who died Monday at the hospital. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Southgate.

Dr. Phythian, who was 80, was said to have been the oldest practicing doctor in Campbell county. He had practiced for 59 years. His office was located at 222 E Sixth street, Newport. The doctor was a member of the Kenton Campbell Medical Society, American College of Surgeons and Southern Medicl Association. He was chief surgeon for the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. He served for many years as president of Speers Hospital.

A native of Frankfort Ky., he served as a major in World War I. He was a graduate of Miami University, Oxford O. and received his medical degree from the University of Louisville Medical College. Dr. Phythian's great grandfather, for whom he was named was court physican to the royal family of England. He father and his grandfather also were physicans.

Dr. Phythian who had been admitted to the hospital March 6, leaves his widow, Margaret R Phythian and a daughter, Miss Margaret T Phythian, professor of French at the Agnes Scott College, Decatur Ga. Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 pm Tuesday. Pall bearers were selected Tuesday; Arthur Buxton, Laurel Leake, William Fleming, Gibson Rose, Joe Hales, Frank Buchanan, Dr. O W Frickman, George Roth, Ray Kaiser and Walter Dempsey.

Honorary pall bearers will include Dr. G H Zwick, Sol Youtsey, superintendent of the hospital; Dr. Edwad Hermann, Dr. R J Rust and Dr. James Ryan. Dr. Phythian also was a member of Robert Burns Lodge No 163, F&AM Newport.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 April 1950, page 2

In his practice of medicine in Campbell county for almost 60 years, Dr. John Phythian rendered immeasurable service and endeared himself to countless persons to the treatment of whose illness he had ministered. Even those medical men who are blessed with such long life realize their wide experience, they hardly scratch the surface of the limitless store of knowledge of their profession. Dr. Phythian was one who never ceased to be a student of the science of healing. He was alert to the last year of his life and kept well abreast of new developments in his field.

He was a pillar of strength at Speers Hospital where he was president of the board for so many years. Dr. Phythian received the full recognition of his community in his membership in both local and national medical and surgical groups.


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