Dr. John Linton Phythian


Cincinnati Daily Star, Saturday, 27 March 1880, page 6

William Milam, an employee of the Shortline Railroad, had his hand horribly crushed yesterday by having it caught between two cars. Dr. Phythian, the surgeon of the road, fixed up the injured member.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Wednesday, 14 April 1880, page 6

Charles Phythian, a cadet at West Point, is home on leave of absence.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 5 May 1880, page 2

Dr. William H Phythian, of Frankfort, who has been ill at the residence of his brother, returned home yesterday.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 29 December 1880, page 3

Night before last Alexander H Hyatt, a brakeman on the Short Line Railroad, in attempting to take a standing postition on the top of a freight train as it passed under the Finchtown Bridge, struck his head against the trestlework and fell back on the car, making a deep cut in his forehead. He was carried to his hom on Mayo street, where Dr. Phythian is at present attending him.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Thursday, 31 March 1881, page 3

Theives entered the chicken roost of Dr. Phythian of Taylor street, Tuesday night and carried off several specimens of that feathered tribe.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 4 August 1882, page 6

William H Elliott, who was shot on a train Friday last at Danville Ky. while returning from Tennessee, arrived at his home on Front street, Newport, yesterday. The trouble it appears grew out of a fuss between Mr. Elliott and a brakeman on the train, when the conductor interfered and a general fight ensued, during which Elliott was brutally beaten and ill treated. His left arm was broken in two places and several ugly gashes in his face and head. He was also shot in the wrist shattering the bones badley. Although very severely injured his condition is not serious and Dr. Phythian says the arm may yet be saved from amputation.


Penny Paper, Friday, 29 September 1882, page 4

Newport Nuggets-The democratic campaign is as follows: J L Phythian.


Commerical Gazette, Cincinnati, Wednesday, 6 June 1883, page 5

The son of Felix Huber, of the Highlands, met with a serious accident yesterday. He had climbed up a cherry tree and missing his footing, fell to the ground, a distance of about twenty feet. Dr. Phythian and Johnson found the left arm had been broken and dislocated and the spinal column fractured. The wound were dressed but the injury to the spine is believed to be of such a character ass to make recovery very doubtful.


Evening Post, Cincinnati, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 4

Dr. J L Phythian, Joseph G Feth, George A Metzel and Matthew Nelson have taken to themselves new Henry F Miller pianos and are happy.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 22 June 1884, page 1

The fete at the Barracks was charming. Dr. J L Phythian was most energetic in soliciting donations for expenses.


Cincinnati Commercial, Thursday, 15 May 1890, page 3

Miss Lizzie Phythian, the daughter of Dr. J L Phythian, yesterday entertained the XYZ Club at her residence 128 West Third street, with a euchre party.


Cincinnati Post, Friday, 19 December 1890, page 5

Dr. Phythian of Third and Broadway is seriously ill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 1 February 1893, page 6

Dr. John Pythian, Newport, the very efficient Health Officer, very willingly made a record of a birth yesterday, because it was his own and a boy at that.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 July 1893, page 7

A SERIOUS CUTTING AFFRAY-A man named Charles Divell was carried into the office of Dr. John Phythian, Newport,  about 4 o'clock yesterday morning covered with blood and bleeding copiously from several wounds about the head.  After an examination the doctor found seven stabs on the head and his right arm dislocated.

His friends who were with him said that they were at attendance at a picnic at the Two-Mile House and Divell and a man named Spring got into a difficulty which resulted in the latter pulling a knife and stabbing his antagonist repeatedly about the head.  The wounded man was removed to his home, 1216 John street, where he his lying in a precarious condition, principally from the large amount of blood which he lost.


Cincinnati Post, Monday, 10 September 1894, page 1

Charles T Phythian, Fourth and Broadway and Kate Wardlon, Fourth and Broadway, were issued a marriage license.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 15 April 1896, page 7

The burial of the late Dr. John L Phythian took place from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery yesterday afternoon.

NOTE: Evergreen records show that Dr. Phythian died 12 February 1896.

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