Colonel John H Page

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 January 1903, page 5

Col. and Mrs. Page of Ft Thomas, are entertaining Capt. and Mrs. Webster.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 February 1903, page 5

Col. John H Page, commander of the post, will deliver an address Monday evening before the newly organized Literary Society, inaugurated by the officers and men. Mrs. Lieut. T E Smith will give vocal selections. Private Cameron will sing a baritone solo. A glee club from Cincinnati will participate.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 February 1903, page 5

Col. and Mrs. John Page, of the Third Infantry, are entertaining Miss Tracey and Miss Sloan of St Louis.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 March 1903, page 5

A meeting of the Rebecca Bryan Boone Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be held at the home of Mrs. James Arnold, on Washington Avenue, Newport, next Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Page of Ft Thomas, will give a talk on "The Soldiers Libraries in Manila."


Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 April 1903, page 5

Col. William C Sanger, Assistant Secretary of War, will be the guest of Col. John Page at Ft Thomas on Saturday. Col. Sanger will inspect the post casually while here.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 April 1903, page 5

Col. J H Page, Major W H Wakeman, Lieut. H S Wygant and Contract Surgeon Francis M Wall comprise a Board of Examiners which will convene May 1 for the examination of candidates for admission to West Point.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 May 1903, page 5

FT THOMAS-Col Page returned from St Louis Friday morning to attend the meeting of the board of officers detailed to examine the applicants for admission to West Point. Of the 18 candidates present for examination six were passed upon the certificates of the schools from which they graduated. Among the latter was Major Stewart's son of Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 17 June 1903, page 3

GEN ALEXANDER McCOOK-Colonel John H Page, Commander at Ft Thomas said: "I knew Gen McCook, but not intimately. He was in the regular service and I was in the volunteer. I haven't seen him, in fact, since 1865. We both happened then to be in St Louis."


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