John Moore

Cincinnati Enquirer, 13 July 1910, page 9


The river yesterday gave up the victims of the double drowning tragedy of last Sunday afternoon, when Henrietta Ackerman, a sixteen year old orphan girl, residing on East Third street, between Whittaker and Collord, in Cincinnati and John Moore, 19, residing at 1020 Monmouth street, Newport, were drowned and Edna Quitter of 1273 East Third street, Cincinnati and William Gunniwick of 728 Washington avenue, Newport had narrow escapes.

Moore's body was discovered at the foot of Monmouth street in Newport by George Sims and Herman Schmidt, who were sitting on a houseboat nearby and noticed the body floating down the river. They secured a boat and brought the remains to shore, where Coroner Digby viewed them, after which the body was removed to Funeral Director Smith's morgue and prepared for the burial.

The funeral services will be held at Evergreen Chapel this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.


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