Captain John C Mead

Penny Press, Cincinnati, Monday, 22 August 1859, page 4

IS MISSING-For several days past we have missed the familiar countenance of Captain John Mead, of the Newport ferry boats. Upon inquiry, we were informed that he disappeared in the early part of last week on a tour in Ohio. We hope he will not so far forget his dignity, for be it known he is one of the City Fathers, as to commingle with the Oberlinites nor Berlinites.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 1 December 1859, page 3


IT WAS FINALLY EXPLAINED-Getting upon the ferry boat Cincinnati Belle, of which John Mead is master during the day, we saw quite a large crowd around the officer, some of whom were talking in, what appeared to us, a very vehement manner.  Thinking Captain Mead was about to be stoned we edged up within speaking distance, and inquired what was the matter?

"Oh" said he "the boys are just rushing up to pay their monthly bills!"  We retired for a particular reason.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 26 September 1860, page 3


AT HIS POST AGAIN-Captain John Mead of the Cincinnati Belle, a Bell Everett gentleman, has just returned from a visit to Knox County in Ohio, where he has been living,  At least so we judge from his looks, on yellow legged chickens and hominy.  He reports that he met with none but Douglas men while he was gone.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Friday, 16 November 1860, page 3

ON A HUNTING TOUR-Captain John Mead and Charles P Buchanan, Esq. left last evening on the cars of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad for Seymour on a hunting excursion.  We shall look for about a dozen quails when they return.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Sunday, 16 December 1860, page 1


REPORTED SUSPENSION-There was a rumor in our streets yesterday that the Mud Bank, the old institution which as been so long cherished among us, had suspended.  In order to arrive at the fact correctly we called upon the President R B McCracken, Esq. who informed us that the holders of the notes of the bank need have no fears of being swindled, as they are all indorsed by Captain John Mead, of the Cincinnati Belle.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Subday, 8 September 1861, page 3

SUCH LIKENESSES-Always the first in the field of enterprise is Captain John Mead, of the Newport ferryboat.  By some hook or crook he has contrived to procure the daguerreotype likenesses of Jeff Davis and Beauregard in one plate, which are hung up in the office of the boat.  Such likenesses!  Why we never saw two more hang dog, sheep stealing faces in the Police Court of Cincinnati.

If the features be truthful, God help the Southern Confederacy.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 4 March 1862, page 2

MUNICIPAL ELECTION-The city election took place in Newport yesterday.  The vote polled was small and but little interest was manifested in the result.  Subjoined will be found the vote for the different candidates;

WHARF MASTER-First Ward, Samuel Moore, Second Ward, John C Mead; Third Ward, Henry Wenatt; Fourth Ward, Christian Greve; Fifth Ward, John C Thomas.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 19 August 1862, page 3

Capt. John Mead of the Newport ferry boat, presented a copy of the New Testament to each member of Capt. John Arthur's Cavalry Company yesterday, before they took their departure for Louisville.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 14 April 1863, page 2


ARREST-Captain John Mead was arrested by a squad of soldiers yesterday on the charge of causing the sidewalks to be obstructed.  It appears that he was engaged in an animated conversation with someone, which attracted quite a number of persons to the spot. The Provost Marshal, having issued an order some time ago forbidding the gathering of crowds of people on the streets, the guards deemed it their duty to arrest Mr. M for causing the one in question to assemble.

He was taken before Mayor Keith, who discharged him.


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