John Steven Kruse


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 30 July 1932, page 1

John Kruse, 38, World War veteran, of 513 W Ninth st. Newport, was removed to Speers Hospital Dayton, Saturday following a brawl at the Ninth st. address. Attaces there say he is suffering from a skull fracture. Newport police called to the address by neighbors, Jake Rubia, 40, riverman, of Cold Spring, and Harry Haase, 40 of Newport, had engaged in a fight following a drinking party.

Haase, who suffered minor injuries was given first aid treatment at Speers Hospital. Charges against the men will be held up pending the outcome of Kruse's condition.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 August 1932, page 1

Hearing of assault and battery charges against three men arrested Sataurday following a fight in a yard of the home of John Kruse, Newport, during which Kruse, a World War veteran and two others were injured, was continued by Judge Alfred G Maybury in Newport Police Court until Friday. Bricks and drinking mugs were hurled by the participants. Two other combantans registered as Harry Haase, 49, of Brent Ky. and Jacob Rubia, 40, of Cold Spring, were injured. The trio was arrested by police and all were slated for assault and battery. They were released on $500 bond.

Rubia told police he and Haase were standing near Kruses's home when the latter invited them in to have a drink. After drinking for a half hour,an argument started and they were ordered out of the house by Kruse. As they started to leave, Kruse seized a mug and struck Haase. Rubia admitted he then struck Kruse with a pavement brick and a general melee ensued.


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