John Knight


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 25 July 1865, page 2


RUN OVER-A man named John Knight, residing on York street, near Front, was run over, on Saturday evening, by a buggy and considerably injured.  Dr. E T Stevens was seated in the vehicle.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 3 August 1865, page 3


FATAL RESULT OF AN INJURY-John Knight, who was run over by a buggy on York street, near Front, about ten days ago, died on Monday from the effects of the injury he received.  Dr. E T Stevens, who was driving the horse or horses attached to the buggy, has been arrested on the charge of manslaughter.

In the absence of the Coroner, Squire Ladd held an inquest on the body of Knight. the verdict of the jury was that he came to his death from concussion of the brain, caused by being run over by Dr. Stevens' buggy.


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