John James White


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 September 1895, page 8

CONVENTION-The Newport City Convention assembled at 2 PM yesterday to nominate a city ticket. F W Knarr was nominated for City Assessor, he receiving 37 votes to 18 for D E Bradford and 3 for John J White.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 October 1895, page 7

The Republicans are employing every means to make a great display on Saturday evening in honor of Colonel W O Bradley and Hon. Gus Willson of Louisville Ky. F C Miller, who was selcted as Grand Marshal, has named the following as his assistants: John J White.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 October 1896, page 5

RETIRING MEMBERS-In the City Council the terms of John J White, of the Second Ward, expires.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 August 1899, page 1

IN IT-Ex-Sheriff John J White, at present in the undertaking business on East Fourth Street, Newport, has announced himself a candidate for the Board of Education from the First Ward. He was formerly a teacher.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 February 1904, page 5

PRISONER SEEKING A NEW TRIAL-John White, formerly Sheriff of Campbell County, was one of the jurors who signed the petition for a new trial and gave reasons as listed above.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 June 1904, page 5

JURY CHARGE GIVEN-The grand jury selected are: John Griefe, foreman; Frank Brinkman, John G Wall, T J Haggard, Peter Drehmer, John White, Charles Speckman, John Welshbillig, D G Brumbach, William Aschmoor, J E Bartlett and S H Hagerdorn.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 September 1905, page 5

PRIMARY-The Campbell County Republican campaign committee met this morning and completed the list of officers who will have charge of the Republican primary election. First Ward: John J White, Judge.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 January 1916, page 1

FUNERAL OF FORMER SHERIFF-Dr. J M Digby, Campbell Co. Coroner found sudden death Monday of John J White, 71, of 230 East Fifth st. Newport, due to apoplexy. Funeral will be held Thursday at 2 PM from the residence. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.

White was one of Campbell Co. best known citizens. He was a former Sheriff, at one time Newport Police Chief and was a member of the old City Council of Newport. He has been employed by the Loring Andrews Co. Cincinnati for many years. One son, four daughters, one brother and three sisters survive. White was a member of Robert Burns Lodge of Masons which will have charge of the funeral.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 January 1916, page 2

DEATHS-Former Sheriff John J White, who died at his home, 230 East Fifth St. Newport, will be buried Thursday afternoon with services from the late residence.


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