John Opp Howard

Ft Thomas Living

Lieutenant Junior Grade John Opp Howard, 27 year old naval pilot, who was killed in a plane crash at Sanford Fla. Monday will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Southgate, after services at the Dobbling funeral home, Ft Thomas, at 2 pm Monday.

Northern Kentucky relatives were advised yesterday that the former Ft Thomas youth's body had been recovered from a lake into which his plane crashed. Lieutenant Howard was a son of Mrs. C W Howard, Detroit, a former Fort Thomas resident. He entered the Naval Air Force upon graduation from the University of Florida in the summer of 1941. At the time of his death, he was an airplane instructor at Sanford.

Besides his mother, he leaves his bride of two months, Mrs. Betty Mayers Howard, Steubenville Ohio, and a sister, Mrs. Clyde Hand, Pontiac Mich. He was a nephew of Mrs. Lee Ross, 331 North Ft Thomas Avenue, Ft Thomas.


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