Dr. John Gustave Holzhauer

History of The Drug Store; Kentucky Post, Monday 2 October 1950, page 3

The drug store was established in 1870 by G Holzhauer, one of the best known and most compete druggists in the state of Kentucky, and is indeliby impressed on the minds of the people of Newport and Campbell County as "Holzhauer's Drug store." Conducted by G Holzhauer until his death in 1895 when it reverted to his son, L P Holzhauer, who managed it until 1902, when on account of failing health, it was deemed best to sell and Mr. Wilhelmi purchased it.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 September 1895, page 7

Gus Holzhauer will erect a handsome three story building at the corner of Eleventh and Monmouth Streets, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 October 1895, page 7

Not less than 50 Republican politicians called at the residence of Dr. Holzhauer this morning with all kinds of arguments, endeavoring to induce him to abandon his ideas of being a candidate, but he positively declined to listen to them.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 November 1895, page 7

Dr. Gus Holzhauer has suffered a relapse and is now dangerously ill at his residence, on Overton Street, with plural pneumonia.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 November 1895, page 7

Each day develops a new phase of the inside workings of late political campaigns, and a story has just been related by what is regarded as excellent authority which explains the withdrawal of Dr. Holzhauer as an independent Republican candidate for Mayor. Dr Holzhauer was informed that such action was a certainty and the doctor replied he was bitterly opposed to the Republican ticket, but if Ahlering was to be endorsed, he would withdraw and leave the field clear.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 November 1895, page 7

Shortly before 8 am Friday morning Dr. Gustavus Holzhauer, one of Newport's most wealthy and respected citizens, breathed hislast, aged 50 years. Although he was known to have been ailing for some time the announcement of his death was a great surprise to his large circle of friends and acquaintances. He died at his late residence at Ninth and Monroe Streets, attended by his family, consisting of his wife, son and three daughters.

Brights disease was the malady which carried him off, though it is believed the end was hastened by the excitment incident on the late election, in the primary campaign of which he was an engergetic candidate for the Republican nomination for Mayor and later on being disappointed in this respect, announced himself as an independent candidate for that office, only to withdraw before the election.

While confined to his bed about two weeks, Dr. Holzhauer had a case called in court and despite the admonitions of his physician and family, persited in getting up and going to the courthouse and he never rallied from the setback which resulted therefore.

Dr. Holzhauer was born in Germany, but came to Newport when a boy. He studied medicine, starting as a clerk in Yungblut's drug store at Fourth and York Streets. About 20 years ago he opened a drug store at Tenth and Monmouth Streets, where he has since been in business. He graduated in medicine later and became a practicing physician. During his business and professional career Dr. Holzhauser has accummulted a snug fortune over $100,000 invested in stocks and real estate in Newport, Bellevue, Inverness and Clifton Heights.

He was a member of the Board of Education from the Fifth Ward at the time of his death, this being the only political office he has ever held. He was a member of the Masonic Order and a Knight Templar. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral but it will probably be held Sunday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 23 November 1895, page 6


Dr. John Gustave Holzhauer, after a brief illness, passed away yesterday morning shortly before 8 o'clock, at his residence, Ninth and Monroe streets.  In his death Newport loses an able, enterprising and conscientious citizen.  The direct cause of death was pieruo pneumonia, although he has been ailing for some time with Bright's disease.  Shortly before being confined to his bed four weeks ago, he went to French Lick Springs Ind. to recuperate. He remained there but a short time, when he was compelled to return and took to his bed, which he never left.

The deceased was born in Aurich, Württemberg, Germany, August 2, 1847.  He emigrated to American in 1865 and located in Madison Ind. for a short time and then went to Cincinnati, where he clerked in a drugstore at Fourth and Main streets, but remained a short time.  He then came to Newport, and here he obtained employment with J R Yungblut the druggist.

He was afterward interested with Dr. F J Locke in the drug business on Monmouth street.  Soon afterward he opened a small store at the southwest corner of Monmouth and Tenth streets, where by strict and constant attention to business, he amassed considerable wealth, and then he began buying real estate. He purchased the corner where his store now stands and 13 years ago moved into it.  At the time of his death he owned buildings on the southeast, southwest and northwest corners of Tenth and Monmouth streets, in addition to other valuable pieces of property.

The tax duplicate shows that the assessed value of his city property is $32,000. He also owned lots in Inverness, Clifton Heights, Wichita Kan. and an orange grove in Florida.  His wealth is estimated at at least $100,000.  He was a member of Robert Burns Lodge, Knights Templar, a member of the Board of Education and a Director in the Newport National Bank.

On August 2, 1872 in Cincinnati, he was wedded to Miss Amelia Kauther, of that city.  Four children blessed their union, namely, Louis, 23 (who recently married); Edna, 20; Ioma, 17; and Clara, who was 14 years of age yesterday.

The funeral will be in charge of the Masons and will take place Sunday morning from St Paul's German Protestant Church, Rev Gerke officiating. The interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 November 1895, page 7

The funeral of Dr. Gustav Holzhauer, who died Friday afternoon from the Germany St Paul Church on Eighth Street, in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives, who packed the edifice to its greatest capacity long before the hour set for the service. The remains were escorted by the Newport Lodge of Masons and the Lincoln League Club, and the services were conducted in German by Rev Mr. Gerke and in English by Rev George Perryman. The music was by the Arion Maennerchor, Miss Tillie Koenlich and Miss Cora Steitz, the ceremony concluding with the impressive service of the Masonic order.

Interment ws made at Evergreen Cemetery. The Board of Education, Lincoln League Club and Masons have adopted resolutions of respect. The pallbearers were E S Runneis, Walker Hallam, O G Thompson, Thomas Ballentyne, Samuel Danks, Julius Sandhas, John W Scheider.


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