John Grant

Newport Court Order Book A, page 7, 2 June 1795

On the motion of John Grant for leave to build a Water Gries & Saw Mills on Main Grassy Creek, he owning the land on both sides of said Creek.  It is ordered that the Sheriff at the Cost and Charges of the said John Grant summons a Jury of free holders of the Vicinage to meet upon the Lands on the 29th day of July who being met and duly sworn shall diligently view and examine the said Land and the Lands adjacent thereto on both sides of the Creek which may be affected or laid under Water by building such Mill together with the timber and other conveniences thereon and report the same with the damages to the party holding the same or to any other person or persons under their hands and seals to the Court.

Present: Samuel Bryan

Newport Court Order Book A, page 40, 4 April 1796

On Motion of John Grant, it is Ordered that the order of June Court last for granting a Writ of ad quad damnum be reviewed & that the Sheriff attend with a Jury of Freeholders on the 22nd Instance on the Premisses.

Newport, Court Order Book A, page 43, 2 May 1796

The Report being made & returned on John Grant's Mill is allowed & ordered to be recorded which report is as follows:

The Jury legally impaneled & qualified are of opinion that the 2 Acres of Land for the Mill & Abuttments is worth 2 of the acres & the Land that will be over flown by the Dam, the property of John Boyd's is worth 2 of the acre that the health of the neighborhood will not be injured & that the passage of fish & the navigation of the Creek cannot be injured and that no Mansion House of Improvements (except as aforesaid will be damaged thereby)

 Deed Book A, Page 170, recorded June Court 1797, Newport Courthouse, Filed 4 April 1797

John Bartle, of the above county, sells unto John Grant of said county, a certain tract of land  lying on Main Licking and adjoining & above Leitch’s old Station and adjoining and below Edward Welche’s tract, the land and premises which I, the said John, lately lived on; and from which I have lately removed which tract containing 358 acres by deed of conveyance made from David Leitch to me, etc.; except so far as a lease given to David Broadberry and William Edward shall effect this contract.

Witnesses-J Overton, Thomas Mosby, John Lee

Filed and recorded 1 Feb 1799 Deed Book A, page 58

Indenture made 1 February 1799 between John Bartle of the County of Campbell of the one part and John Grant of the same county. For and in consideration of the sum of 5 shillings John Bartle sells a certain tract of land containing 300 acres situated in the County aforesaid and on main Licking and being part of the Tract of land purchased by the said John Bartle of David Leitch. John and his wife, Lydia.

Witnesses: John Roberts, John Lindsey, John J Flourney, Moses Scott, Bartlett Graves, Frank Spilman, James Taylor, William Reddick, Thomas Griffing

Alexandria Deed Book B, page 63 Recorded 1 February 1799

Indenture made 1 February 1799 between John Grant of the County of Campbell of the one part and Bernard Fowler of the county aforesaid of the other part. John, for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings, sells all that certain tract of land containing 300 acres situated in Campbell on Licking being the Tract purchased by said Grant of John Bartle by indenture dated 1 February 1799 and including 358 acres by said Bartle purchased of David Leitch and upon which the said Bartle formerly lived. 
Signed Jon (sic) Grant

Sealed and delivered in presence of John J Flournoy, John Lindsey, Frank Spilman, Bartlet Graves, Moses Scott

Alexandria Deed Book B, page 280, Acknowledged 28 September 1801 in Fayette Co Kentucky and recorded 11 January 1802
in Campbell Co

Indenture made 28 September 1801 between John Grant and Squire Grant of the County of Campbell of the one part and Levi Todd of the County of Fayette and Commonwealth of Kentucky of the other part.  John and Squire for an in consideration of the sum of 45 pounds sells all that tract of land lying in the County of Campbell adjacent to the Wilmington about one mile from Licking & on the west side of the river being a part of John Harris' third survey of 5000 Acres containing 120 Acres.

Test: Joseph Briggs

Altho 45 is the consideration expressed in this deed, the real consideration is a conveyance of 45 or 55 Acres, made the same date by Levi Todd to John Grant of that part of his 1250 Acre Survey which lies on the east side of Licking near Wilmington.

Signed Levi Todd and John Grant

Teste: Joseph Briggs

Deed Book A, page 328, Falmouth Pendleton Co; 10 May 1802

John Grant of Campbell County to Abdil Miller of Pendleton County in consideration of 350 pounds, John sells 2 tracts of land situated chiefly in Pendleton County beginning at an elm tree standing on the upper side of the mouth of Grassy Creek on the left bank of Licking river, thence running up said Grassy Creek on the banks of the same 2 poles to stake; thence East 20 poles, thence North 2 poles to the said bank of Licking thence up the same with the meanders 185 poles to an elm Box elder and ash trees standing on the said Licking banks; thence South West 274 poles to 2 sugar beech and elm sapling standing in Wolf pen branch;

Thence down the middle of said branch with the meanders of the same to a stake on the bank of Grassy Creek near the mouth of said branch; thence down the bank of said Grassy Creek with the meanders to the Beginning containing 150 acres; the other tract beginning at a sugar tree on the North East bank of the Main corner of Matthias Crowins 1100 Acre survey; corner to Frank Flournoys land; to a stake in Matthias Crowins 1100 acre survey containing 500 acres.

John and Eliza Grant

Alexandria Deed Book B, page 309, 10 July 1802, Recorded 21 December 1802

Indenture made 10 July 1802 by and between John Grant of Campbell County of the first part and John Ducker of the County aforesaid of the other part.  John for a valuable consideration to him in hand paid by the said John Ducker sells one certain tract of land situated in Campbell County.  Beginning at a sycamore on the bank of Licking, the upper side of the mouth of Ducker's Run, from the running 5 (?) 48 W25 poles to an elm saplin in Griffins Line, thence with said line S65 W68 poles to a Hickory Honey Locust and beech of Griffin's Corner, to a Beach on the bank of the Licking thence N18 W118 poles with the river to the beginning.

Jno Grant and Eliza Grant

Alexandria Deed Book D-1, page 512, 10 January 1816, Recorded 24 December 1816

Indenture made 10 January 1816 by and between John Grant and Eliza his wife, of Campbell County and State of Kentucky of the first part and Noah Lewis of the same place of the other part.  John for and in consideration of the sum of $1400 sells one certain tract of land in said Campbell County on the North West of Licking River.

Beginning at a beech and sugar trees standing on the bank of Licking in Todd's upper line; containing 200 acres of land out of the river.  Also one other tract of one hundred acres in said County Beginning at a beech tree marked IR and IG standing in the line of Crittendon's 30,000 acre survey near his lower corner about 300 poles from said Licking River.

Test; Reuben Lucas and Walden Fuller

Alexandria Book B, page 119-Recorded June 1824

Property of Jonathan Keen deceased, as delivered to the appraisers for valuation 10 Apr 1824. Appraised by John Grant, Reuben Benson and Hezekiah Maddox.


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