John J Flournoy

Deed Book D, Page 54-Recorded 28 Jan 1795

Whereas David Leitch in his life time made a deed of conveyance to John Bartle for 358 acres of land more or less by deed bearing date the 3 Jul 1794, being part of the said Leitche’s tract near the mouth of the Licking and on which he lived which said deed proved by tow witnesses in the Court of Mason County, but Keturah the then wife of the said David did not relinquish her right of dower. And whereas the said deed was made before the patent issued for the said land to the said David and whereas the said John Bartle is apprehensive that the said deed is defective owing to the said patent not being issued at the time of its acknowledgement by the David Leitch and Keturah his wife and also owing to the dower not being relinquished and whereas David Leitch by his last Will and Testament devised all his real estate to his then wife Keturah forever as will more fully appear by the said Will and the said Keturah having intermarried with James Taylor, and the said James Taylor and Keturah his wife; Keturah Leitch, widow and devisee of David Letich, deceased being willing to make over all the right of the said land to the said John Bartle.

Indentures made 28 Jan 1799 between James Taylor and Keturah his wife late, Keturah Leitch, widow and devisee of David Leitch of the County of Campbell of the one part and John Bartle of the same county of the other part. For and in consideration of 5 shillings paid by John, James and Keturah sell a certain tract of land containing 358 acres.

Witnesses: William Reddick, John J Flournoy, Thomas Griffing, Thomas Lindsey, Archibald Brown
Filed and recorded 1 Feb 1799 Deed Book A, page 58

Indenture made 1 February 1799 between John Bartle of the County of Campbell of the one part and John Grant of the same county. For and in consideration of the sum of 5 shillings John Bartle sells a certain tract of land containing 300 acres situated in the County aforesaid and on main Licking and being part of the Tract of land purchased by the said John Bartle of David Leitch. John and his wife, Lydia.

Witnesses: John Roberts, John Lindsey, John J Flourney, Moses Scott, Bartlett Graves,
Frank Spilman, James Taylor, William Reddick, Thomas Griffing
Recorded September 1799 Deed Book B Page 95

John Bartle of the County of Campbell in consideration of the love and affection I have and bear unto Elisabeth Mold, daughter of Walter Mold, deceased and of Lydia, my present wife, and for divers other goods, causes and consideration me hereunto moving, give 1 Edinburg Bible, 1 gold watch, 1 feather bed, 2 pair sheets, 2 pillow ticks and cases and a Bolster, 1 bed spread and 1 quilt, 1 complete set of new bed curtains red and white, 1 pair of rose blankets, 1 bed stead and cord, 1 Mahogany Case with China Ware, 6 china dishes, 6 do plates, 1 Brindle milch cow, 1 black and white sow, 1 brass nailed hair trunk, 1 silver plated tea pot, 1 do sugar basket and tongs, 1 do tea caddy, 1 do salls, 1 do milk pot, 1 painted box with knives, falks, and table spoons, 1 small gilt cooking glass and 2 large salvers, 6 gilt small pulusns?, 1 pembroke table, 1 iron bake over, 1 do griddle, 1 do toester, 1 do ten gallon pot, 1 do 3 gallon pot, 1 half dosen windsor setting chairs.

Signed, sealed and delivered before and in presence of: Henry Brasher, James Buchanan, George Knox, Reuben Loomis, William Boner, John J Flournoy
Filed and recorded 1 Feb 1799 Deed Book A, page 58

Indenture made 1 February 1799 between John Bartle of the County of Campbell of the one part and John Grant of the same county. For and in consideration of the sum of 5 shillings John Bartle sells a certain tract of land containing 300 acres situated in the County aforesaid and on main Licking and being part of the Tract of land purchased by the said John Bartle of David Leitch. John and his wife, Lydia.

Witnesses: John Roberts, John Lindsey, John J Flourney, Moses Scott, Bartlett Graves,
Frank Spilman, James Taylor, William Reddick, Thomas Griffing


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