John Fisher

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 January 1905, page 5


John Fisher, one of the best known barbers in Newport, died this morning at his home, 814 Overton st. (Newport) Fisher's death, it is claimed is indirectly due to injuries received three months ago in Cincinnati. He was struck by a street car while attempting to cross a street and rendered unconscious. Since then he had been ailing and despite the best of medical attention, he succumbed to complications arising from the injuries received.

Fisher about a year and a half ago was suddenly stricken blind. He was at work in his shop, when without warning, he fell to the floor. When assistance reached him it was found that he was totally blind. Two weeks later his sight returned just as suddenly as it left him and he again resumed his duties as a barber. The physicians who waited on Fisher at that time stated that the sudden blindness was due to severe headaches, of which he was a sufferer. These affected the nerves causing a stigma of the eyes.

The deceased was prominent in the organization of the Barbers' Union. He leaves a widow and one daughter.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 7 January 1905, page 10


Funeral services for John Fisher will be held at 1 pm today from the residence, 812 Overton street. Rev J P Whitehead officiating. The remains will be shipped to Dayton Ohio for interment.


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