John P and Catharine Newman

Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed.,
1887 Campbell Co.

John P Newman was born in Upton, Mass., in 1851, and is the only child of John and Catherine (Charde) Newman.  John Newman, a school teacher, and a son of Samuel Newman, of County Cork, Ireland, was born in 1820. He was lieutenant of the Twentieth Massachusetts Regiment in the late war, and, having retired from business, now lives in Boston, Mass.  He is an Episcopalian. 

Mrs. Catherine Newman, a daughter of Samuel Charde, of Lawrence, Mass., was born in 1829, and died in 1852.  She was of Irish nationality, and a member of the Episcopal Church.  John P. Newman was educated at Newtonville Academy, Massachusetts, and graduated at Cincinnati Law School in 1877, having moved to Campbell County in 1875.

After graduating he located at Newport.  He has been mayor of Bellevue and a member of the Legislature.  He was tendered the nomination for attorney-general by the Union Labor party, but declined.  He is a Knight of Honor and a Knight of Pythias. 

In 1877 he married Miss Houser, daughter of Mathias Houser, an old pioneer of Cincinnati.  Two children have blessed this union:  Oliver and Stella.  Politically John P Newman is a Democrat.


Cincinnati Post, Tuesday, 5 September 1882, page 1

John P Newman this morning received his commission as mayor of Bellevue.


From the Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, published by the John M Gresman Company, Chicago-Philadelphia 1896, page 338

JOHN P NEWMAN, a prominent Attorney at Law and a well known and highly popular citizen of Newport, son of John and Catharine (Charde) Newman, was born in the village of Upton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, September 21, 1851. 

John Newman (father) was born in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1820; received a good education and taught school in early life.  He is now a resident of Boston, Massachusetts, which has been his home and where he has been engaged in commercial and manufacturing enterprises for many years.  At present he is interested in the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry.  He is a member of the Episcopal Church, a consistent Christian, and stands well in the business community; has reached his seventy-sixth year and is still active and energetic for one of his age.  He enlisted in Company G, Twentieth Regiment Massachusetts Infantry, in the Civil War, being elected first lieutenant, and was afterward promoted to captain of his company.

He married Catherine Charde, daughter of Lawrence Charde of Massachusetts.  She was born in 1829 and died in 1852. She was descended from Irish ancestry.  Samuel Newman (grandfather) was a native of the southern part of Ireland, who came to the United States when twenty-five years of age and located, first in New York City.  He afterward removed to Trenton, New Jersey, and thence to Scranton, Pennsylvania where he died.

John P Newman received his primary education in the common schools of Worcester County, and attended the Newtonville Academy in Massachusetts from which he graduated in 1871.  At the age of twenty-one years he came west and entered the Cincinnati Law School and was graduated from that institution in 1878.  He at once commenced the practice of law at the Newport bar and has given his best attention to his large clientele, while serving the public in the various capacities to which he has been called from time to time.  He has been mayor and president of the City Council of Bellevue; has served five years in the legislature, where he took an active and leading part in behalf of the labor organizations; was tendered the nomination of the Union Labor party for attorney-general of the state, which honor he declined.  He is a stanch Democrat, faithful and true to the principles of the party and while he has always been a friend of and sympathized with the laboring classes he could not go outside of his party, which had frequently honored him by election to office, to accept a nomination by a third party organization.

He is a member of the Knights of Honor, Knights of Pythias, of the Masonic fraternity and of the Benevolent Order of Elks and in all of these he is a popular and useful member and has received his share of honors at their hands.

Mr. Newman was married in 1877 to Bertha Hauser, daughter of Mathias and Adelheid Hauser, one of the old pioneers of Cincinnati. 

Children of John P Newman and Bertha Nanette Hauser (1856-1944)

Oliver Peck Newman b-13 Nov 1878 in Dayton; br-24 Mar 1905 in Evergreen
Stella Nanette Newman b-6 June 1885 in Dayton; d-23 Feb 1957 in St Louis Missouri; br-Evergreen Cemetery Southgate Ky. m-Frank Reith Phillips


Judge John P Newman 1904 Obituary

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