John David Ellis


Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 December 1901, page 7


Body Found in Bathroom by his wife

Whose Premonition of Evil Brought Her Home From Visit with Relatives at California Ky.

Judge John D Ellis, one of the foremost attorneys of the Campbell County Bar, and one of the most respected citizens of the county, was found dead on the floor of the bathroom at his home, 171 Ward avenue, Bellevue at 3 o'clock yesterday morning by his wife and County Surveyor Ed Ball, a relative of the family, who had just returned from California Ky.

Mr. Ellis had probably been dead about six hours, as rigor mortis had stiffened the body and it was cold when discovered.  the deceased had gone to the room to take a bath, for he was partially disrobed.  His undershirt, drawers and socks were the only articles of clothing on the body.

The remarkable part of the sad affari is the presentiment that Mrs. Ellis had that something was wrong at home, and this caused her to return.  Judge Ellis, his wife and son spent Thanksgiving at the home of relatives at California Ky. and he complained that day of not feeling well.  nevertheless he decided to come home Friday morning to attend to some legal business, telling his wife that he would return Saturday night.  When he did not arrive Mrs. Ellis, divining that something was wrong decided to set out for home.  She did so arriving between the hours of 2 and 3 am yesterday, only to find her husband cold in death.

Coroner Higgins viewed the remains and decided that death was due to apoplexy.  The deceased was born in California Ky. and was 45 years of age.  He comes of a prominent family, who have been residents of Campbell County for two or three generations. He has been a practitioner at the Campbell County Bar for 16 years.  Prior to that he was engaged in civil engineering and was County Surveyor for eight years. He served a term as Police Judge of Bellevue and was a candidate for County Judge at the last primary election of the Democratic ticket.  He was a prominent member of the Henry Barnes Lodge, F and A M of Dayton, was prominently connected with church work and held the office of elder of the Central Christian Church of Newport at the time of his death.

He and Paris C Brown organized the Bellevue and Dayton Christian Church and contributed largely to it support.  he held the office of President of the State Christian Endeavor Association and was prominent in that branch of the work.

He leaves a widow and a fifteen year old son, John D Jr.

The funeral services will take place today at 2:30 pm at the Bellevue and Christian Church.  Rev W T Donaldson, pastor of the Central Christian Church will officiate, assisted by Rev A J Arick, of Louisville, who was a close personal friend of the deceased. The remains will be shipped to Mentor Ky. for interment.


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