John B Daly

Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 February 1903, page 5

John B Daly, 38, son of ex-Mayor M V Daly, died Sunday night at 10:10 at his home 115 West Fifth Street, Newport. Throat trouble was the cause of his death and Saturday afternoon a surgical operation was performed but toward evening he grew worse and continued to decline.

He was connected for many years with the James Walsh Distilling Company of Covington and was a brother of Mrs. Peter O'Shaughnessy of York Street, Newport and Mrs. Belle Cloud of Third Street. He was one of the best known men in Newport and was called the man with the big heart. Many acts of charity are to his credit and among the poor he will be sadly missed.

The funeral will take place Wednesday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 am.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 February 1903, page 5

The funeral of the late John B Daly took place Wednesday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Rev James McNerny officiated. The edifice was crowded with friends and relatives to pay their respect to the dead. The casket was covered with beautiful floral tributes and the funeral cortege was one of the largest that has left Newport in a long time.

The remains were put in the vault at St Joseph Cemetery Price Hill.


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