John Beck

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Saturday, 6 June 1857, page 3


A short time since a man, named John Beck, was enlisted at the Newport Barracks while he was intoxicated, a suit was instituted before Judge Nelson, of Campbell County, on Monday last, wherein it was shown that Beck was not only intoxicated when he listed but that he was also a married man.

This, in the opinion of Judge Nelson, justified him in issuing a writ of habeas corpus for the person of Beck. This writ Lieutenant Hendershot refused to notice, and sent out Sergeants Kennedy, Killiany and Leroy to arrest Beck, who was in a coffee house near the Barracks. They undertook to arrest Beck, but he closed the doors on them and sent for his attorney, F M Webster, when the Sergeants withdrew, fearful of getting into a difficulty.

Warrants were issued for the arrest of the three Sergeants. They will be held in bonds for their good behavior when arrested! Uncle Sam better let this man Beck slide, for as he deceived Mayor Fearons of Newport,  when he was sworn in as a soldier, he might deceive "Sam" when put to the test on the frontier. This promises to be an interesting case.


Courier Journal, Louisville Ky. Monday, 8 June 1857, page 3

A short time since a man named John Beck was enlisted at the Newport Barracks while he was intoxicated. A suit was instituted before Judge Nelson, of Campbell co. on Monday last, wherein it was shown that Beck was not only intoxicated when he listed, but he was also a married man. This in the opinion of Judge Nelson, justified him in issuing a writ of habeas corpus for the person of Beck.

This writ Lieut. Hendershot refused to notice and sent out Sergeants Kennedy, Killany and Leroy to arrest Beck, who was in a coffee house near the barracks. They undertook to arrest Beck, but he closed the doors on them and sent for his attorney, F M Webster, when the sergeants withdrew, fearful of getting into a difficulty. Warrants were issued for the arrest of the three sergeants. They will be held in bonds for their good behavior when arrested!


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