Captain John Barrett

Cincinnati Enquirer, 13 November 1892, page 7

HIGHLANDS-Captain John Barrett is visiting friends in Dayton Ohio.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 26 February 1893, page 7

HIGHLANDS-Captain John Barrett is in Cairo, Ill. on business.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 Dec 1897, page 5


The Wealthy Steamboat Man Dies of Heart Trouble

Captain John Barrett, the wealthy river man, died yesterday morning at his residence "Valley View" in the Highlands of Kentucky.  He was 58 years old and had been afflicted with heart trouble for some time. His father and grandfather were both engaged in the steamboat business in the East.  Mr. Barrett came to Cincinnati 32 years ago and engaged in the coal transportation trade.  He afterward went into the wreckage and steamboat business and became one of the wealthiest of river men.  He was among the first divers in the West, and invented a diving bell which he used in submarine work.

He and his sons operated large coal elevators at Frankfort, Ky.  They also built a number of towboats for the coal business.  Mr. Barrett was a large stockholder in the Cincinnati and Louisville Packet Company and the Big Sandy Packet Company.  He also had large interests in Paducah, Evansville, St Louis, Pittsburg and New Orleans.  He was worth about $250,000.

Mr. Barrett was of stalwart frame and noted for his generosity.  He was a member of the Baptist Church of Dayton, Ky. and to his liberal donations it owes its existence.  He was a member of the Kilwinning Chapter RAM Hanselmann Commadery, K T and Henry Barnes Lodge No 607, F and A M of Dayton Ky.  His life was insured for $40,000.  The funeral will be held Saturday at the First Baptist Church in Dayton Ky. and interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.

A committee to draw up a memorial on the death of Captain Barrett was appointed by President McCallister of the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday as follows; Paris C Brown, S W Bard, R W Wise, P R Budd and Val P Collins.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Saturday, 16 April 1898, page 3

An inventory of the estate of the late Captain John Barrett was Thursday left for record in the County Court at Newport by Oscar F Barrett, a son of the deceased. The inventory is as follows: Interest in firm of J Barrett & Sons, $10,000; In Frankfort elevator property, $12,000; in Levanna shipyard and real estate, $7500; in Palmer House, Paducah Ky. $3000; total $33,000. The deceased also left a large life insurance.


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