John Barker Lawson


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 18 October 1900, page 3

Newport Ky. Oct 18-John Lawson, of Bonnie Leslie Ky. and Frank Sharp, son of Sol Sharp, the pool room owner, were struck by a fast train just beyond Newport. The men were returning from the Queen City race track in a three seated wagon and failing to notice the approaching train, started to cross the tracks. Instantly the rear of the wagon was hit by the train, the men hurled into the air.

Sharp escaped with a few bruises, but Lawson, less fortunate, sustained a fractured skull and was badly cut about the head and body. The wagon was a total wreck, the horse making way with what was left until stopped in Newport. Dr. Schoolfield, Lawson's brother-in-law, is making every effort to save his life.


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