Captain John H Barker

Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 January 1904, page 6

Captain John H Barker, Third Infantry has been granted a months extension to his leave of absence. Capt. Barker is visiting relatives in New York.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 February 1904, page 5

Captain John W Barker, commanding Company C is here on detached service from Fort Sheridan, in connection with the general court martial now in session at the post.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 May 1904, page 5

Capt. John W Barker, of the Third, who was on leave from Ft Thomas at Washington DC, was one of the ushers at the marriage in that city recently of Assistant Surgeon Robert Moore Blanchard and Miss Mary Wallace De Witt, who are soon expected at Ft Thomas on their return from their wedding trip.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 May 1904, page 8

It is understood that when the tour of four years duty of Captain William R Sample as Regimental Adjutant of the Third expires by limitation of law, on July 1, 1904, Colonel Woodbury will appoint Captain John W Barker, commanding Company G Adjutant of the regiment and Captain Sample will again be in command of his old company C.


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