Jimmy Smith Marriage


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 27 November 1862, page 3

Marriage Extraordinary-The matrimonial market of Newport is somewhat excited, if we may judge from a wedding that came off Tuesday night. Every man, woman and child knows "Old Uncle Jimmy" a sable "gemman" very far advanced in years, his age being about eighty.

Uncle Jimmy is a good natured old darkey, who has been a regular fixture in the Taylor family for two generations past. He is a great favorite with the young folks about town, whom he amuses by his antics and high sounding talk. Seeing so much marrying going on lately, Jimmy took it into his head he would get spliced himself. Accordingly he made proposals of marriage to an Ethiopian lady of Ohio, aged about forty years his senior, and was accepted.

The nuptials were celebrated on Tuesday night, with great pomp and yesterday, Uncle Jimmy was receiving the congratulations of his colored and white friends.

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