Jesse Holmes Green

Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 July 1906, page 2

Congressman Joseph L Rhineck has secured the following pensions; Jesse H Green, 160 Van Voast av. Bellevue, increase of $10 per month from June 7, 1906.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 July 1907, page 2

The allowance of the following pensions have been announced from Washington: Jesse H Green, Newport, $12 per month.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 June 1908, page 2

Congressman Rhinock has secured the following pensions: Jesse H Green, Newport, $15 per month.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 June 1908, page 3

Jesse H Green filed a highly sensational suit in Campbell Circuit Court today against Maude C Sandford and her daughter, Eugenia. Both plaintiff and defendants lives in the same house, 160 Van Voast av. Bellevue. Plaintiff alleges that on April 4 last, the defendants entered into a conspiracy to defame him by plotting to have it appear that he had attempted a criminal assault on defendant Maude Sandford. He asks $10,000 damages.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 June 1908, page 3

Jesse Green who instituted a suit against Jane and Maud Sandford of Dayton, praying for a $10,000 damages for alleged conspiracy to defame his character, sued out an order of delivery today, which was given to Sheriff Nagel to execute. Green alleges the Sandford's are in possession of his household effects at Sixth and Vine sts. Dayton. Green alleged the Sandfords attempted to entice him by visiting his room at night in the effort to compromise him. Later they spread false stories implicating him in an alleged assault.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 July 1908, page 5

Another chapter has been added to the $10,000 damage suit of Jesse H Green against Maud C Sandford and her daughter Eugenie, by filing a reply in the Circuit Court yesterday to the answer and counter claim filed by Mrs. Sanford. In her answer and counter claim Mrs. Sandford alleged that Green had attempted to attack her, causing her to suffer a great nervous strain and render her unable to earn money. She asked his petition be dismissed and she recover the amount of $10,000 damages. Green asks that her petition be dismissed.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 May 1909, page 5

The Department of Kentucky Grand Army of the Republic will meet at Covington May 18 and 20. Anyone in Dayton or Bellevue who will entertain one or more of the 500 delegates will please communicate with Jesse N Green, 160 Van Voast av. stating terms.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 May 1909, page 3

The first of the suits growing out of the damage suit of Jesse H Green against Maud C and Eugenia Sandford will come up tomorrow before Judge Yungblut and jury. Over 40 witnesses have been summoned.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 May 1910, page 2

Granville Moody Post GAR will meet tomorrow night to make arrangements to attend the annual encampment in Central City beginning May 18. The post will be represented by Adjt. Gen T F Beyland, William Bausmith, Jesse Green and George Seither.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 May 1910, page 2

Jesse Green will leave next week for Auburn Ind. to engage in business with his son, Monte Green.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 May 1910, page 2

Jesse Green, Commander of Granville Moody Post, who has just returned from the State Encampment GAR at Central City Ky. was chosen delegate at large to the National Encampment in September.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 September 1910, page 3

T F Beyland, Jesse Green and George Seither Sr. returned home yesterday from Atlantic City, where they attended the national encampment of the GAR. Captain Green was re-elected to the National Council of Administration.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 April 1912, page 5

Capt. Jesse Green, of Van Voast ave. Bellevue, was appointed a Marshal in the Memorial Day parade by the Naval Veterans.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 November 1912, page 3

Capt. Jesse Green has returned from Brookville Ind. where he was called on account of the death of his brother, George Green.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 June 1913, page 5

Capt. Jesse H Green has returned after a nine weeks visit with his son in Garrett Ind.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 November 1913, page 3

At a meeting of the Granville Moody Post No 89 GAR, held Nov 7, the following resolutions were adopted pertaining to the outstanding and good character of our comrade, Jesse H Green, who at the last election ran for Magistrate of this district but was defeated because of circulars that were distributed, defaming his character and standing as a citizen and old soldier of the Civil War.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 January 1915, page 1

The jury hearing the damage case of Jesse Green against Maud and Eugenia Sandford, in which Green sued for $10,000 alleging defamatory handbills were distributed about Bellevue and Dayton in the 1913 campaign, returned a verdict awarding Green $500 damages.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 April 1917, page 1

Captain Jesse Green, veteran of the civil war, of Bellevue, has written to the mayor of Ely Minn. Offering his farm of 160 acres in that state to the citizens of Ely for gardening purposes.

Captain Green wrote that no rent would be charged for the land if used only for gardening purposes.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 8 May 1917, page 3

Jesse Green, Col T A Casey and Fred Wentz of Bellevue will leave Tuesday to attend the annual GAR encampment to be held at Williamsburg for a week.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 November 1917, page 1

The Red Triangle War YMCA Committee of Bellevue met Monday night. Chairman C W Nagel appointed as captain: Jesse H Green.


Jesse Holmes Green, born 17 May 1838 in Morris Hill, Indiana, the son of James and Elizabeth (Seinfeld) He served in the Union Navy during the Civil War and died 13 March 1926 in Garrett, Indiana. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery next to his wife, Louisa Delia (Beach).


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