Jeremiah Preston Pension


Pension # R.8451 Virginia

On December 20, 1843 in Campbell County, Kentucky the said pensioner at the ate of either 78 or 80, appeared in open court and stated and swore that he had first enlisted the service of his country as a drafted militiaman when he was at the age of 16. He stated that he was drafted to serve for a tour of three months in the company under the command of Captain Tilman Weaver in the capacity of a private soldier. He also stated and swore that he had served in the company under the command of Captain Miner Winn at Hillsborough in one of the Carolinas. Later he came into the company under the command of Captain Frank Triplett and stated that they then joined the Brigade under the command of General Morgan at Charlotte in one of the Carolinas, but which one he does not rightly remember, due to old age and lack of memory from his infirmities.

The said Jeremiah Preston stated and swore before the open court that he had served in the Battle of Cow Pens and he at one time saw the famous General Tarlton. He was honorably discharged by Captain Triplett and that he returned to his home in the state of Virginia on March 24 of what year he could not remember.

The affidavit of Richard Tarvin, a clergyman and Samuel Baker was also given at the same time and in the same place as the foregoing. The said deponents stated and swore that at one time and in the said county and state they had been well and favorably acquainted with the said Jeremiah Preston. These deponents further stated and swore that in the neighborhood in which the said pensioner resided he was reputed to have served in the War of the Revolution on the side of the United States of America. In answering the questions posed by the Department of War, the said Jeremiah Preston stated as follows:

He said he had been born in Fauquier County, Virginia, and that he had entered the service from the state of Virginia. He had removed from the state of Virginia to Fayette County, Kentucky and from there to Campbell County. He further stated that he had received an honorable discharge from Captain Frank Triplett. The claim for a pension was not given.


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