Jeanette Blankenfeld

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 July 1904, page 5


Believing that she was to be sent to the penitentiary for talking about her neighbors, Mrs. Jeanette Blankenfeld, 65, plunged into a shallow cistern in the rear of home of Mrs. Isaiah Reed, Tenth and Orchard sts. Newport, some time Friday evening. Firemen Tom King and George Wewer were called and they found the body in the cistern and succeeded in getting it out. Life was extinct and it appears as though the neck was broken by the plunge.

Coroner Higgins gave it as his opinion that Mrs. Blankenfeld had taken her life. The deceased it was learned had made threats that she would commit suicide. Mrs. Blankenfeld has no relatives in Newport, but a daughter, Mrs. Willis resides in New York, and a son, Otto lives in Chicago. Both were notified Friday night and Mrs. Willis will be here Saturday to arrange for the funeral. Her husband died two years ago and this unbalanced her mind.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 July 1904, page 5

Mrs. Willis, of New York City, daughter of Mrs. Jeanette Blankenfeld, the aged widow of Ninth and Orchard sts. Newport, who committed suicide by jumping into a cistern at her home last Friday evening, arrived in Newport Sunday and made arrangements for the funeral of her mother. Services were held Monday morning at Evergreen Chapel and the remains were interred in the family lot at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 July 1904, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Jeannette Blankenfeld, 63, who committed suicide by jumping into the cistern at her home, was held Monday at the chapel of Evergreen Cemetery.


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