John C and Martha Schroll


From the Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, published by the John M Gresman Company, Chicago-Philadelphia 1896, page 182-183

JOHN C SCHROLL, president of the Newport National Bank, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 20, 1845.  His parents removed from that city to Newport in 1848 and he received his education in the common schools of the last named city.

After leaving school he was connected with the Monumental & Building Stone Works, and while interested in that enterprise studied law, attending the Cincinnati Law School for two years, graduating from that institution in 1871.  He was duly admitted to the practice of law in the Kentucky courts and was elected clerk of the circuit, chancery and criminal courts, which offices he held for three terms, or eighteen years; and at the end of the third term, declined further election.

In July 1892, he assisted in the organizing of the Newport National Bank, and was elected president of the new organization.  The capital stock of the bank ($100,000) was subscribed in one day, showing the confidence the business men placed in Mr. Schroll and Mr. Waller Overton, who were to be respectively president and cashier.  The new bank passed through the trying times of the panic of 1893 without a stain upon its credit, or a doubt in the public mind as to its ability to weather the storm.  It is now one of the strongest and most popular banking houses in the city.  Mr. Scholl devotes almost his entire time to the affairs of the bank and has developed marked ability as a financier.

He has been a leader in the Democratic Party, but is now out of politics.  He has recently engaged in the practice of law with Aubrey Barbour, a young man of marked ability, the firm name being Schroll and Barbour.

Mr. Schroll was married in 1870 to Martha Band of Newport.  They have two sons and three daughters:  Henry Clay, Thomas Benton, Ester, Mattie B and Laura.  John Randolph, the oldest son died in 1886, aged fourteen years.  Mrs. Schroll and the children are members of the Episcopal Church.   Mr. Schroll's father, Martin Schroll is a native of Bavaria but came to Cincinnati when quite young and was married at that place in 1840 to Dorothea Fleckenstein.  They removed to Newport in 1848 and Mrs. Dorothea Schroll died in 1854.  Martin Schroll, now seventy-six years of age, has retired from marble and building stone business, in which he was engaged for many years and is living in Bellevue.


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