Dr. James Russell Whittemore

Tri-Weekly Kentucky Yeoman, Franklin Ky. Tuesday, 9 August 1859, page 2

To show the strength of the Republican Party in Kentucky, we will state that at the late election Cash Clay received one vote for Governor and J R Whittemore twelve votes for Congress in the Tenth District.


Penny Press, Cincinnati, 19 November 1859, page 4

An Invitation to Leave-J R Whittemore, the Newport Abolitionist, who was the Republican candidate for Congress in the 10th district last year, has received the following "notice to quit" which he publishes in the Cincinnati Gazette;

Newport, Nov 16, 1859. J R Whittemore: “Sir, the citizens of Newport have decided that they will no longer permit any person to promulgate such “principles” as you and your brethren in the cause of Abolitionism have been promulgating for the last four years in their city. Therefore, you are hereby notified to leave the city of Newport on or before the first day of December, 1859.

Otherwise, you must abide the consequences of your own folly and obstinacy, which, we assure you, will be serious. DETERMINED CITIZENS”


Tri-Weekly Kentucky Yeoman, Franklin Ky. Saturday, 28 April 1860, page 2

Last evening at the City Hall in Covington, there assembled a large number of men, responsive to the call for a Republican State Convention for the purpose of choosing two delegates at large, and to appoint a district delegate to the National Conventon at Chicago.

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Whittemore of Newport, who nominated as permanent President, Dr. Wm Trelkeld. The following officers were selected. Vice Presidents-W D Gallagher of Oldham county and H Luke of Pendleton county. Secretary-J J Hawes of Louisville.

On motion of Dr. Whittemore, it was revealed that the Chair appoint a committee of sever to report business to this convention. The Chair, named Dr. J R Whittemore of Campbell; Hamilton Cummings of Kenton; Granville C West of Rockcastle; H D Hawes of Louisville; Dr. W W Jones of Madison and Louis M Dembitz of Louisville.


Cincinnati Daily Commercial, Saturday, 25 August 1860, page 2

The Republicans of Newport met last night at Red Man's Hall and effected an organization.A Constitution was adopted and the following officers elected: President-Dr. J R Whittemore
Vice President-Austia T Earle
Second Vice President-James E Perry
Recording Secretary-John J Gasser
Asst. Recording Secretary-Henry Grotee
Corresponding Secretary-Charley Hendly
Treasurer-M Blesh
Auditor of Accounts-S A Griffith


Cincinnati Daily Commercial, Friday, 2 November 1860, page 2

Ex-Gov Chase made a Republican speech last night in Odd Fellows Hall, Covington. It was said the Hall was never before so densely crowded. Joseph Andrew, Esq. presided, assisted by the following officers; Vice Presidents-H Cummings, Dr. J J Temple, Dr. J R Whittemore, Chas Handley, Dr. Threlkeld and Peter Constanse; Secretaries-Beyland, Newman and Pfau.


Whittemore did not leave by the end of the year. In fact in June for the 1860 census he was still in Newport.  He was born 15 Nov 1817 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the son of Amos Whittemore and Rebecca Russell.  He married Lucy Jane Stockwell in 1841 in Lancaster, New Hampshire. He died 22 Jan 1892 in Cincinnati and was buried in the Spring Grove Cemetery.


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