James Wesley Ellis

Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 April 1903, page 5

Early Monday morning Mayor J W Ellis, Mayor of Bellevue, and Vice President of the new Campbell County Bank, with director John Cunningham, Cashier Goerge Beck and President Oscar Barrett, met at Fairfield and Van Voast Avenues and broke ground on the site for the new building.

Several short addresses were made after which Contractor John Stahl started his force aat work. It is expected the building will be ready for occupancy by July 1.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 June 1903, page 5

Mayor James W Ellis, City Clerk Emig and Chief of Police Ratliff were out of town Tuesday. It is reported they were in Indiana to inspect city buildings in several small cities to get ideas about the construction of the same to be used in this city, should the citizens decide on a building.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 September 1903, page 5

Mayor James W Ellis is spending a two weeks vacation at Marietta O.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 June 1905, page 10

Friends now, but foes in rival armies in 61, Col. James Ellis, Mayor of Bellevue Ky. and member of Change, and Col. James Arnold, have been relating war stories to each other. Col. Ellis was with the Union troops that chased Col. Arnold's gray coats across Missouri. Discussing the incident, Col. Arnold said;

"It's true we were pursued but at that the Yanks did not crown themselves with glory. We were on foot and the Federals were mounted, but not withstanding this great handicap we succeeded in eluding them and escaped into Tennessee." And Col. Arnold settled back into his chair with a satisfied smile.

But the laugh was turned on him when Mayor Ellis replied: "Well, I was in a good many battles during the war and was in a number of tight places which, I confess, caused me to be frightened on more than one occasion. But I never saw the time that I was so scared that I could outrun a horse."


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 August 1905, page 5

A meeting of the City Council will be held tonight at which the veto of Mayor James W Ellis, of the transfer of Eugene Smith's saloon will be acted upon. A full opinion as to the legality of the transfer will be rendered by Judge Robert Nagel, who is acting as attorney in the absence of City Attorney Alfred Caldwell.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 May 1908, page 5

The new Bellevue Republican city committee organized last night by electing James Fisk, Chairman; Harry Hake, Secretary and James Ellis, Treasurer.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 May 1920, page 1

James W Ellis, 76, former mayor of Bellevue and one of the best known residents of northern Kentucky, died early Wednesday at his home, 11 Southgate av. Ft Thomas after a lingering illness. Ellis was one of the founders of the Campbell County Bank, Bellevue, and held the office of vice president at the time of his death.

He was a GAR veteran member of the Elks and Odd Fellows lodges and member of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce since 1882. Funeral services will be held Tuesday 2 pm from Highland M E Church South. His widow, a daughter Mrs. Harry Nagel and a son, William Ellis, Cincinnati, survive him.


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